…To everyone who reads this that I personally interact with on a regular basis – for being a bit grumpy and moody lately. I don’t really know what it is, but I’ve just been a bit down lately. Unfortunately this means that I react poorly to certain situations and have a tendency to lash out at people with little provocation. I am sorry for this, I feel like there’s something missing from my life right now and I haven’t found what it is yet. As a result, I spend most every day waiting for whatever is missing to present itself, and whenever something doesn’t go the way I’d like, or I don’t get quite what I want, I get just a bit more depressed and moody (this occurs most when I’m eating dinner and it’s not something I wanted).
Tag: nur
“The Cursed Video”
We watched the video last night, and if you don’t know what that statement means, then you weren’t there to be humiliated.
So a day that starts out tired and cold can end up with a fit of depression and angst. I remember these days. I don’t think its the rain, I’ve been feeling like this for a few days, and in fact if anything, the rain is only improving my mood by making me feel just in my decision to be depressed again.
I love the cold though, so there is that.
Well, it’s back to LiveJournal. I have a really good, long time friend, that has decided to start doing a Blog, so I thought I’d get back to it so at least he’s not alone in the world (okay, so he already has more readers than me, big deal).
From my Old Clié Journals
I’m really bad at writing entries in here. It’s not like it’s a requirement or anything, it’s just supposed to be here for my own edification in the future.