Well, as you can see, a little over an hour ago I synchronized my Clie with my computer and it actually uploaded the text I had typed into PocketLJ. You may start to see more and more entires from me as I can now create journal entries from ANYWHERE (muhahaha).
Testing PocketLJ Again
Well, I’m going to try the PocketLJ client again. I’ve been unsuccessful making this client work to this point so if you are reading this, consider yourself (and me) lucky.
Winter Fantasy – From my Old Clié Journals
2002-1/23 Winter Fantasy
Day 1:
The week leading up to this trip was a horrible one. A fight with Heather, a depressing trip to Best Buy, a medicore Gaming session with a new character, a frustrating day at work, a very difficult time at packing and finally a late night trying to put music on the Clie, that resulted in no luck what-so-ever. I only hope that the first two days of the week do not represent the week itself. I’ve been looking forward to this trip for a couple of months now and hope that it is at least as good as it was last year.
Recreated Thoughts… – From my Old Clié Journals
Well shit, I had a really long, drawn out process of thought on sex and sensuality here and when my Clie up an dies on me. Now I have to try to recreate some of my thoughts on what I had here before.
Christmas in Virginia – From my Old Clié Journals
Day 1:
We left Denton on Dec. 18 and headed out to Virginia via Atlanta to see an old highschool friend of mine.After Heather recalculated the trip time, we realized that our 11 hour trip was really a 13 hour trip and that we would be getting into Atlanta much later that we had ever anticipated. Jen still came out to see us even though we didn’t get into the hotel until after 10:00.
Unfortunately getting in that late we were up very late talking when Jen finally got to the hotel (she got lost on the way). We didn’t get to bed until 2:00 that night, which is pretty late to be going to bed when you have a 8 hour drive ahead of you the next morning.
LiveJournal Archives – 09/13/2001
Well, I wanted to wait a little bit before even trying to write something here. Having waited, however, I almost feel like there’s nothing I can say that hasn’t been said already. I’m not a religious man at all, so I honestly cannot say my prayers go out to anyone, but I offer my sorrow, condolence and hope to those that need it more than I at this time.
LiveJournal Archives – 09/03/2001
Well, it’s Monday again.
I had a really good weekend, spent it all with Heather and had some really good nights. Simple things that we don’t do often enough. I didn’t really want to come to work this morning but I have some things I need to get done before faculty come back tomorrow.
LiveJournal Archive – 08/28/2001
Well, here I am in the lab again…
This time there’s really nothing bad about it. One of my students changed their schedule which usually annoys me but this time it’s amazing, he changed his schedule and solved about five other scheduling problems. I realized it this morning in the shower and about dropped the soap. Fortune has decided to smile down upon me.
(you know, it’s like some people don’t want your help even when they desperately need it)
LiveJournal Archive – 08/27/2001
Well, it’s the first day of classes here on campus, and while that doesn’t mean that much to me, it does have some bearing on my work. It’s the first day all the students come back and start filling the hallways. That’s obvious to me since my office is at the end of a narrow hallway with three major classrooms in it. When classes are changing it’s nearly impossible to get to the office, especially if you’re actually moving anything. I had to move 15 monitors this morning from the lab to the office and there were people in the way the entire time. What a pain.
LiveJournal Archive – 08/22/2001
Well, crap. My week isn’t getting much better, but the optomist in me says it’s not getting much worse. It’s at least levelling out at generally crappy rather than plummeting into complete ass. If you read Rich’s journal (he’s my only friend on here at this time) you’ll notice that he bought Heather’s car. I imagine we’ll be going out to eat tonight. It’s nice to have money again, even when it comes in large part from a friend buying your crap… speaking of which… Julian still intends to buy my old cast off computer parts. Maybe I’ll get him to pick them up this weekend or something.