LiveJournal Archives

LiveJournal Archive – 08/22/2001

Well, crap. My week isn’t getting much better, but the optomist in me says it’s not getting much worse. It’s at least levelling out at generally crappy rather than plummeting into complete ass. If you read Rich’s journal (he’s my only friend on here at this time) you’ll notice that he bought Heather’s car. I imagine we’ll be going out to eat tonight. It’s nice to have money again, even when it comes in large part from a friend buying your crap… speaking of which… Julian still intends to buy my old cast off computer parts. Maybe I’ll get him to pick them up this weekend or something.

In the last two days I’ve worked 25 hours. today I think i’m going to try to get away with single digit hours. I’ve kind of accepted a half victory / half defeat on my lab status. I’ve got 20 of 21 machines that desperately needed to be updated done. I’ve got another 21 machines that could be updated but are being replaced pretty soon so I’m going to try to leave them alone. and then the 50 in the lab, well, I’ll deal with them Friday.

Sometimes I think I get too personally involved in my work. I think if I cared less I’d be less stressed about it, but sometimes I like the fact that I care about my work.

I’m trying to come up with plans to make the between semester periods better, but it seems like every time I put together plans, something goes awry. The last two days have taught me that. I had everything set and planned out and ready to go. When it came down to time to put it all together, everything fell apart. I could explain it in more excruciating detail, but I really don’t see the point. Anyway. I’m going to try a little harder to make it a little easier.

Here’s hoping my plans in the future are a little more successful.

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