
  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/20/2001


    I never expected this day to be this horrible!

    Today is the first day that faculty return to school, a week before classes start. We’re down to the wire on everything that needs doing. I thought that getting the new systems up would be a breeze but it’s getting worse and worse. A simple 5 minute problem has turned into a hour and half hell on wheels. I was supposed to be able to walk into the lab this morning, set up a multicast and poke go. That was 5 hours ago, I have one out of twenty machines that almost works.

  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/17/2001

    I got all the parts to my computer last night. I put them all together and have to say, that motherboard (the ECS K7VZA) is one of the best MotherBoards I’ve ever had the pleasure to work around. But anyway, I didn’t get to play with the computer too much, my OS disk had some problems so I need to borrow the one from work to install Win2K. Oh well, I’m a geek.

  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/16/2001

    http://www.kclose3.com/pelovish.com/peloweb/peloquin/art_lit/digital_art/leaf1.jpg http://www.kclose3.com/pelovish.com/peloweb/peloquin/art_lit/digital_art/leaf0.jpg http://www.kclose3.com/pelovish.com/peloweb/peloquin/art_lit/digital_art/leaf2.jpg

  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/16/2001

    well, it’s been another excruciatingly boring day at work again. I’ve been trying to get the user acounts set up on this new lab computer I’m building. It’s not going as I had hoped so I might have to settle for second best again. It shouldn’t be too bad, we haven’t had too many problems with the students having access to the underside of the OS.

  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/15/2001

    Today’s been a pretty good day so far. I don’t feel as old as I thought I would. Actually, I guess I don’t really feel as old as I have the last few days.

    I was hoping my new parts for my computer would have come in last night. I’m upgrading my CPU (and MotherBoard) and adding some RAM (another 512MB). But they’ll probably come in tonight because I don’t have time to put it all together. I’m looking forward to Ben’s game tonight, but it’s going to be wierd playing it at Craig’s. I’m so used to playing FS at my place, I really enjoy it. Plus, heather likes it when people come over, even when it’s just to play games she doesn’t care anything about.

  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/15/2001

    Happy Birthday to me,
    Happy Birthday to me,
    Happy Birthday dear Kacey,
    Happy Birthday to me!

  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/13/2001

    Tired, so tired today. Had a good weekend, started my Temple game at Derek’s (http://pelovish.com/dnd/temple) and watched Rush Hour 2. Also we rented Saving Silverman. Damn that movie was a lot better than I had expected (Neil Diamond – WOOOO!!!). Anyway, today’s been dreary. It rained this weekend and that makes me happy, end of the drout and all, but it’s made my Monday pretty dreary.

  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/09/2001

    I decided this morning on the way to work, that the reason I don’t do as many creative things as I’d like is because most of my creativity is centered around the computer in some way. Designing things on the computer, or editing images or video. And while 100% of my job is computers, and 50% of my leisure time is also computers, it’s like I need to find some leisure time away from the computer. Unfortunately that’s not very likely. I mean I guess I could work on it but it seems a futile effort.

  • LiveJournal Archive – 08/08/2001

    I can’t answer why any questions as to how I found out about LiveJournal, why I even started, or why I want people to see what I’m thinking, but maybe it’s the exhibitionist in me. At any rate, here I am and I can not say that I will post anything interesting or even regularly. I’m pretty good about being excited about something when I first find out about it and slowly becoming disinterested.

February 2025