LiveJournal Archives

LiveJournal Archive – 08/15/2001

Today’s been a pretty good day so far. I don’t feel as old as I thought I would. Actually, I guess I don’t really feel as old as I have the last few days.

I was hoping my new parts for my computer would have come in last night. I’m upgrading my CPU (and MotherBoard) and adding some RAM (another 512MB). But they’ll probably come in tonight because I don’t have time to put it all together. I’m looking forward to Ben’s game tonight, but it’s going to be wierd playing it at Craig’s. I’m so used to playing FS at my place, I really enjoy it. Plus, heather likes it when people come over, even when it’s just to play games she doesn’t care anything about.

I’ve been having a lot of problems with my computer lately anyway, so I’m going to use the hardware as an excuse to completely rebuild the computer (at least the OS). Plus, I think I’ve got someone trying to hack me. My firewall has been detecting contact attempts from a single IP as often as 500 times in a 12 hour period. That’s too many to be comfortable. I found out who his ISP was and contacted them about it. I haven’t heard back, but really hope it stops soon. I don’t want to rebuild my computer and have it hacked.

I just hope that rebuilding it makes Diablo II run again. I haven’t been able to play in a couple of weeks and am jonesing big time. I know other people are starting to tire of it (except Ben of course) so I’d kind of like to get in a little more play before it gets passe.

Besides, I haven’t really been playing any games at all lately and I’d like to play something.

I picked up a huge pile of Velvet scraps the other day. I’m going to make them into dice bags and maybe sell them on eBay. Huh, just now I thought about using them as prizes for something, but I can’t imagine what I would give out prized for. I may also offer to let Derek sell them at his store, but I wouldn’t know how much to charge. So far the only thing I had to pay for is the cord that I’m going to use as the drawstring. It’s pretty much all profit. I keep thinking I’m going to start them while I’m watching TV but then every time I sit down to watch TV I don’t even think about the dice bags. Oh well, its not like I’m on a schedule with them or anything.

I started my Temple of Elemental Evil game this last Saturday. I’m really psyched about how it went. I mean I accidentally killed a couple of people (Derek and Julian) but it’s only because I was playing the monsters like monsters. I’m not pulling any punches in this game.

I think everyone had a good time, at least pretty much everyone said as much. I’m really looking forward to next month’s game. It’s a big adventure and playing once a month is going to take a really long time, but at least it gives us something to do once in a while. I really enjoyed running it though. I’ve never really run D&D before, only White Wolf and Star Wars (and that little bit of Amber, but that was an entirely different experience), so I think it was cool to run something I’ve played so much of. And because I’m running a published adventure, I don’t have to do to much preparation, but at the same time (since it’s not RPGA) I don’t have to stick to the module. It’s mostly just a dungeon that I’m narating for the players. I hope I get to run it for a while to come still.

I’m planning a Cookout for my birthday on Saturday, but I think I finally made up my mind a little late. I dont’ know who all is going to come. Steve and Danny weren’t going to, but they had to cancel a trip for some unrelated reasons and are going to be able to show up. I know Ben will, and he’s going to try to bring his Whoa-Man. I really hope Julian, Chelsea, Paul and Erin are able to come.

Heather bought me these things for my birthday called “Frigits.” Look them up in your favorite search engine, they’re awesome.

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