LiveJournal Archives

LiveJournal Archive – 08/09/2001

I decided this morning on the way to work, that the reason I don’t do as many creative things as I’d like is because most of my creativity is centered around the computer in some way. Designing things on the computer, or editing images or video. And while 100% of my job is computers, and 50% of my leisure time is also computers, it’s like I need to find some leisure time away from the computer. Unfortunately that’s not very likely. I mean I guess I could work on it but it seems a futile effort.

Last night we all got together to play some Fading Suns, and like I said, I’m not always lookign forward to the game as much as I’d like, I was really looking forward to last nights game. When we got together, we spent and hour talking about other games, and then another hour talking about Diablo. As a result, we just gave up and went to the office to play some Multi-Player Diablo. So one of the few nights that I know I can escape the computer, I ended up right back in front of it.

More Later (Maybe)

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