LiveJournal Archives

LiveJournal Archive – 08/13/2001

Tired, so tired today. Had a good weekend, started my Temple game at Derek’s ( and watched Rush Hour 2. Also we rented Saving Silverman. Damn that movie was a lot better than I had expected (Neil Diamond – WOOOO!!!). Anyway, today’s been dreary. It rained this weekend and that makes me happy, end of the drout and all, but it’s made my Monday pretty dreary.

I returned the Router I had bought from Best Buy, it was causing more problems than good. Maybe I’ll finally be able to play Diablo II again. Grrr…. Hopefully my new parts will come in the week and maybe my Diablo II experience will not only revive, but accelerate. Oh, BTW, I got some upgrades for my computer for my birthday, I’m turning 28 Wednesday and I have been thinking about that a lot.

I can’t say that I really feel 28 is old, but it’s getting there. I’m getting to the point where I’m questioning my success and failure as an individual. I’m looking back at the things I used to do and enjoy and wonder why I’m not doing them now. I’m also looking at all the things I always wanted to do and am not doing. I guess it’s really kind of a sad time for me right now, but there are so many things I should be happy about.

I had a beautiful night with Heather last night. It reminded me of how things were when we first started dating. I think that helped.

I’m going to see if Ben and Adrienne go to clubs and see if we want to make a semi-regular date to go to a club with them on like a weekly or bi-weekly basis. I feel like I don’t get enough physical activity and I’d like to do something with some of my friends more often that doesn’t involve rolling dice or computers. I’ve always enjoyed going to clubs, I just never really got into it. I just thought it might be fun to go with some friends semi-frequently.

Damn this CD is good. It renews my faith in Ken and Scott (Crystal Method). For not having released anything in 4 years, this is a good return.

Gonna actually try to get something done for a little while, I may write more later.

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