Tag: birthday
So now I’m a year older, congratulations, I didn’t die!
Anyway, it was a fairly good birthday. After about 4 hours of crazy busy work (I intended not to work at all yesterday, I just showed up for cake) I was told that I could go home at lunch and stay there. The cake (as a special comment to my friend and new LJ Buddy Angela) was incredible. I almost felt bad taking a quarter of the thing home. I think Nur put it best when she said I was territorial about my food. I don’t deny it.
While we were home, Heather said I could open my presents. She got me the last book in the series I’ve been reading, the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack, and a new keychain multitool that I, unfortunately, hated as soon as I got it out of the package. To Heather’s defense, I loved it when it was in the package, in fact I pointed it out in the store and said “That’s the one I want” but as soon as I got it out of the blister pack and started trying to play with it, I realized it’s quality was very sub par. So I packed it back up as best I can, and got online and found the perfect keychain multitool. We went out on the town to find the exact gerber tool and found not a one. I then went home and promptly ordered it online. The nice thing is it was only $2 more than the one Heather bought for me. I don’t blame her, she did a great job.
I played some World of Warcraft as well, got my key to Dire Maul and did some mining. Now I just have to find out where in Dire Maul to start my major farming. We also rented Kung Fu Hustle (even though Steve was going to loan it to me today) and sat on the couch eating Blueberry Pie and watching REALLY cheesy chop saki.
I keep missing my brother’s phone call to wish me a happy birthday, but I know he’s thinking about me, he just needs to call at a better time.
oh, and I paid for my account for another year and found out that I can now have 100 userpics instead of just 50. I just don’t know what I’m going to do with myself.
I might not be on LJ tomorrow, so I should put this here now.
Happy Birthday lady_emerald!
So Thanksgiving was this past week. We ate turkey and called it dinner, I guess that counts.
We went to Heather’s parents’ house for Thanksgiving. I’m not overly fond of visiting her parents, but we do so anyway. It’s about a 5 hour drive up there, we make it in just under 5 hours. She lives in the panhandle where there’s nothing to break the horrizon for miles and the wind blows 90mph year round. bleh. Wednesday night was sandwiches which were pretty good, although they were on cheap ass, stick to the roof of your mouth like a dental mold bread. I got to meet Doug and Kay, who are Heather’s parent’s friends from Australia. They were really cool, though more talkative than I am. Means I get to sit and listen a lot while saying a lot of “wow,” “yeah,” mmhmm,” and “really.” They had some pretty cool stories though, most of all, don’t speed in Australia.
Thursday was Thanksgiving. Heather slept almost all day, which she is want to do on vacation. Unfortunately, since I get up pretty early (okay 9:00) even on weekends and vacations, that leaves me to do more “uh-huh-ing” with Heather’s family. The really big downer is, where I don’t really watch sports at all, Heather’s family switches from one sporting event to another constantly all day. If the TV is on, it’s on Sports. So I have to suffer, pretending to care about what they talk about, watching shit I don’t want to watch. I played some games with Brandon and started reading Vishvakarman‘s novel. Dinner was okay. The turkey, regardless of how good Bill cooks from time to time, was dry and kind of bland. Everything else was good. It’d be nice to have a real, home made pie once in a while, but store bought is fine. I just love PIE.
We managed to wrestle in a watching of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Extended Edition after “second dinner” which was nice. Though we had to ride the volume much like the first night when we watched Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. Heather’s mom has this thing about the volume and it has to be below a certain level, which the action sequences are always above and dialgue is always below, so we have to ride the volume to hear what’s going on but not annoy her mother. Sheesh. Then again, they’re rattling the dominoes so loud that even then, we can’t really hear.
Friday was Heather’s Birthday and that brought about everyone leaving the house for Black Friday. Heather and I got to stay behind and watch The Hulk and Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets at any volume we wanted. Ah, blissful freedom. We had a pretty damn good ham that night for dinner. Bill redeemed himself from the Turkey the night before.
Saturday, after a lot of conversation, we finally pulled ourselves away and made our 5 hour journey in 4½ hours. Only 30 minutes longer than Brandon. 😉
When we got home, we really got our vacation, we went out to dinner, we curled up and watched a movie, we really enjoyed the end of our trip.
All in all, it was a good vacation, too short and not necesarily with the people I’d most wanted to spend it with, but still, better than some. I got to see a good number of movies for free and was able to read all of Vish’s novel, which, in my opinion, definitely didn’t suck.
Turkey Day has Come and Gone
Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and all in all I had a good one. We took the dog and headed up to My Grandparents’ house in West Memphis AR. For the first time since Heather and I have been going to Thanksgiving there, Heather got a hotel room so we wouldn’t have to sleep on the living room floor. Actually, the two of us, my brother and his wife all shared a room (with the dog).
I never expected this day to be this horrible!
Today is the first day that faculty return to school, a week before classes start. We’re down to the wire on everything that needs doing. I thought that getting the new systems up would be a breeze but it’s getting worse and worse. A simple 5 minute problem has turned into a hour and half hell on wheels. I was supposed to be able to walk into the lab this morning, set up a multicast and poke go. That was 5 hours ago, I have one out of twenty machines that almost works.
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday dear Kacey,
Happy Birthday to me!
Tired, so tired today. Had a good weekend, started my Temple game at Derek’s (http://pelovish.com/dnd/temple) and watched Rush Hour 2. Also we rented Saving Silverman. Damn that movie was a lot better than I had expected (Neil Diamond – WOOOO!!!). Anyway, today’s been dreary. It rained this weekend and that makes me happy, end of the drout and all, but it’s made my Monday pretty dreary.