I was very upset last night, and while a lot of my thoughts and feelings are not necessarily mis-represented, they are not stated with any tact or sugar coating. I was really tense and pissed off, I have no excuse for my harshness and bluntness. I meant a lot of it, and in fact I meant most of it. I just want to say that I never set out to hurt or offend anyone with my entry, I just needed to shout, out loud or on a keyboard, either would work. I chose livejournal because I want to open myself up to my friends and the world to see. I want to show people that everyone has problems and can get angry, or upset, or irrational, or giddy, or horny, or what have you and it’s not wrong, it’s not bad, you’re not fucked up, you’re just human. People have been like this for 1000 years and no series of psychoactive drugs is going to change that. Every generation tries to fix the things that make us human.
As for Fancy turning people on me, that’s not true, I mis-spoke. I realized that shortly after I wrote it and I didn’t mean it that way. I never did, nor did I ever really think that. I was angry, and as I said, I meant most of what I said, but I also spoke irrationally. That was a statement falsely written out of anger and paranoia. I did not mean it, nor do I believe it.
This too shall pass and we will grow and learn from it. We may not grow together nor change what has happened, but we will all be wiser as a result. That I do believe.