Blogging Writer's Block

Rutting through my Day…

…in which I talk about my daily routines and how I’ve learned to live with the mind boggling repetition

I can’t believe it’s been more than a month since I wrote an entry? I am ashamed to have let it go so long and, once again, vow to remedy this situation. Being that I had no topic in mind, I have once again gone to LiveJournal and checked out their Writer’s Block segment to see what their suggestion is. Today the topic is “What is your daily routine?”

Writer's Block

Creepy Crawlies…

…in which I talk about entomophobia.

Today’s topic on the LiveJournal Writer’s Block segment is “If one thing were to be stricken from nature, what could you stand to see go?”

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What goes around comes around…

…in which I talk about word getting out, and probably some other unrelated stuff.

With this new, and totally awesome, connected world we live in, we are constantly at risk of spilling the beans about any and all things that we are trying to keep quiet. Used to be, back in the times of the small town, you just had to try to keep the news out of the ear of the local gossip, and you’d be pretty okay with your secret. Some of your close friends may find out, either through trust or deduction, but it was still safe.

Nowadays, we’re constantly seeding out information here and there, sharing it with various people through various methods. Some of those methods we think are sacred and secure, and somehow, without our knowledge, we all of a sudden realize we’ve been piping our inner thoughts to the people we didn’t want to know them. I’ve often thought of using my blogs, with appropriate security measures – mind you, as my own personal journal at the same time, but I know how easy it is to forget to set the options of a particular journal entry to “private” and before you know it, everyone knows you’ve got a urinary tract infection.

In the past week alone, I’ve seen two secrets slip out ahead of schedule due to slip ups in blogging security. Neither of them were catastrophic or humiliating, but its just a reminder that, when we’re sharing this much of ourselves with our friends and family on semi-public forums; that information can go further than we anticipated.

This is not to say we should all just shut down our blogs and recede into our private domiciles, keeping all of our inner thoughts and feelings locked away. We just need to watch our privacy settings, be aware of the risks, and throw caution to the wind anyway. It usually turns out for the best once that initial horror wears off anyway.

Originally posted at K. Close III
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Too Much of Me…

I’ve love Web 2.0 and that should be obvious to most. I blog, I livejournal, I twitter, I flickr, I, I rss, I facebook, etc. The problem is I put different content on everything and yet I want most people on the different social feeds to know what all I’m doing in the other places. When I post a on my blog, I want my facebook peeps to know, and when I post on my flickr, I want my twitter twits to hit it up. The problem I’m finding is the more I set up automatic feeds and cross-posters, the more things get repeated. So the danger is that if I post on my blog, it tells my livejournal, my twitter, and my facebook; but at the same time, when my livejournal finds out that I blogged, it tells my twitter and facebook as well; and then, of course, my twitter tells my facebook.

So what happens is my facebook hears three times that I blogged. I want each of my webspaces to know what I’m doing on the other webspaces, but I don’t want things to snowball and all flood each other with duplicate information. Its like I need one clearinghouse for everything and that one place disseminates everything out equally and fairly, without redundant content or illegible codes.

If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, please, let me know.

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Tagging, Tagging, Tagging.

Now that I have my WordPress blog, and it is so easy to tag, I’m trying to go back and finally try to tag the untagged entries. Yeah, this is going to take a while. I wish there was a way to just search for untagged entries.

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Due to some issues with the way WordPress crossposts to LiveJournal, I’m going to have to shuttle all comments over to the WordPress site. I encourage you all to keep commenting as you normally would, you’ll just have to use the comment link in the WordPress footer instead of the normal livejournal comment link. Don’t worry, there’s no account needed or anything to sign up for.

I appreciate your understanding and look forward to your continued comments.

Clarification: This only applies to my WordPress crossposted entries. All other entires (such as this one) will still have a place for comments as normal.

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Finding My Voice…

…in which I talk about blogging, writing, and allowing myself to make misteaks.

So I’ve got a new website, which currently has nothing on it, and a new blog, upon which I haven’t fully decided what I’m going to write. Way back when, when I started my LiveJournal, I was a pretty avid blogger, but I can’t say that there was that much introspection on those early posts. Most just served to keep people up to date on what I was doing. While I see the value in that, I’m not sure that’s the kind of blog I really want to have. Internet fame shouldn’t mean anything to me, but I do have a deep seated need for recognition and if writing something on the internet to get people to see it serves that purpose, then so be it. My problem is that I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to write. I know what I don’t want to write however, and its a struggle to write around that.

I don’t want a blog that’s all ranting and bemoaning. I don’t want a blog that tries to draw pity or illicit any kind of consolation. I don’t want to fill my blog with memes, I’ll leave those to LiveJournal. I don’t want my blog to be just endless babble with no thought or entertainment value. This is not to say that every entry should make the reader take pause and think about their lives or anything, but I at least want to try to do some thinking on my own as I write these entries. I want to feel like I’m growing as a person as I type up these entries of self discovery.

Part of what keeps me from writing is that I’m afraid of bad writing. That’s a fair fear, but it takes bad writing to create good writing. The same is true of all art, and its something I have a hard time with. It’s one of the things that I struggle with regularly in my photography and why I’m afraid to draw. I don’t want to do anything badly, so I don’t do anything at all. We learn to do things by making mistakes and doing things wrong, but I’ve grown up to be such an anal retentive perfectionist, it goes against my core nature to allow myself to screw things up. To that end, the book “Bird By Bird” has been suggested to me and I plan to read it next (I’d be reading it now, but it was hiding in my studio and I’d forgotten about it completely). I need to break out of this armor of perfection and allow myself to screw up more. So prepare yourself for a barrage of badly thought out, poorly constructed blogging entries as I attempt to find my voice and in as much, find my self, again.

Just as a point of clarity, I will be using this blog as a place to really focus on myself and try to get some real thinking and writing done. My LiveJournal will be a comprehensive blog, containing not only crossposted entries from here, but also including the silly memes, quizzes, photos, and other random rants and whines that I don’t wish to share here.

Originally posted at K. Close III
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Did I offend?

I wonder if I offended someone unintentionally with a comment in her journal. It was not my intent and I was really just trying to participate in an intelligent discussion. I was in the process of writing a new response and now the entry has had comments disabled. I liked what I wrote, so I am going to post it here for my own edification.

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The Livejournal auto transcribe feature only works on voice posts that are 3 minutes or less. I guess I’m too chatty for LJ.

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shut up!

ever wish all your blogs and twitters would update more?

I have plenty of things to do today, and in fact I’ve been working pretty steady since I got here, but I’m also suffering some extreme A.D.D. today and keep looking at my LiveJournal, Twitter, and FaceBook and none of them are updating. I’m kind of lonely while doing my work. Is there anybody out there?