…in which I talk about my daily routines and how I’ve learned to live with the mind boggling repetition
I can’t believe it’s been more than a month since I wrote an entry? I am ashamed to have let it go so long and, once again, vow to remedy this situation. Being that I had no topic in mind, I have once again gone to LiveJournal and checked out their Writer’s Block segment to see what their suggestion is. Today the topic is “What is your daily routine?”
There was a time, a few years back, where I had become completely stagnant in my life, and quite unhappy with my state of being. I blamed it on the slogging repetition of my days, one after the other, each no different than the one before or the one to follow. I’ve since learned that while that may have been an acknowledged fact of life at the time, in retrospect it was by no means the cause of my morose outlook.
Years later and I still have a fairly monotonous life full of routine and repetition, but I have a different outlook and philosophy that keeps me from focusing on the doldrums and instead makes me feel at least a bit relieved by the stability of my regimen. I have found a balance between the daily practices and the twinkles of chaos speckled throughout my daily existence. By accepting my place and the tedium that comes with it, I am able to relish in the moments that break out of the bleak routine that surrounds me. I’ve also found that by focusing more on the social aspects of my life and the lives of the people I choose to surround myself with, I’m less caught up in the tiresome daily patterns.
I’ll admit, the constant evolving nature of a child helps to break up the monotony, as well. It’s the one thing that’s almost never the same and is far from predictable.
Toddler chaos aside, my morning routine is as follows:
- Alarm clock goes off at 6:30 and I hit snooze for the next 15-45 minutes.
- Go into the bathroom, being sure to close the door so that I don’t wake Heather.
- While standing in the alcove with the toilet, turn on the main bathroom light so that my eyes can adjust slowly.
- Pee.
- Text Angela with a random message to initiate a conversation that will determine if we are carpooling, riding bikes, or driving separately.
- Start brushing my teeth and turn on the shower to warm up.
- Shower, washing in the following order:
- hair (if it’s been at least 48 hours since the last time I washed my hair),
- body (top to bottom),
- face (with ivory soap).
- Dry off.
- If it’s a day that Heather needs to be up, leave the bathroom door open, otherwise, close it behind me as I go back and forth between the bedroom and the bathroom.
- Put yesterdays underpants in the laundry and put on clean underpants.
- Style hair.
- Put on deodorant.
- Take my daily vitamin.
- Shave.
- If my ears “feel waxy,” clean them out with rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs.
- Lotion my face (and my hands with the excess).
- Check the temperature and dress appropriately.
- Gather my belt, socks, phone, and book and head to the dining room.
- Leave everything on the table and fetch bowl of cereal (fiber content of cereal to be determined by the fat content of the previous night’s meal).
- Eat cereal while reading my book.
- Choose lunch (protein and general health content of lunch to be determined by my mode of commute; oddly, healthier food on days that I ride my bike).
- Pack my bag or backpack (again, depending on mode of commute).
- Put on my socks, shoes, and belt.
- Read some more while waiting for the text from Angela that she’s on her way to pick me up,
suit up and go out to prepare my bike for the ride. - Grab everything and head out when Angela arrives
air up my tires and head out on the bike.
Of course, there’s some variation throughout the days, weeks, and months, but for the most part, that is the prescribed practice every morning. I’ve learned to live with it and even rely on the patterns to remind me of everything I need to do. My life, for the most part, is not that much more chaotic than it was a few years ago, but I’ve learned to appreciate it differently, and to accept the things that don’t change from day to day, while reveling in the things that do. I am constantly thinking I’ve had all my lifestyle epiphanies, but every now and then, another one just creeps up on me. I’m thankful for that, as well.
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