Blogging Personal Flaws

We Now Return You To Our Regularly Scheduled Broadcast, Already in Progress…

…in which I talk about my own current affairs and the regularity of my blogging.

I feel bad because it shouldn’t be all that hard to post one blog a week. Every friday I all of a sudden realize that I haven’t posted anything and that I should write something up “right now” or another week will go by. Then, on Monday, I realize that I’ve missed that week. Maybe I need a weekly blogging night, or something. I frequently have ideas that I want to write about, issues that bother me, thoughts that I ponder; you know, regular blogging topics, but I often forget them before I get a chance to write about them. To this end, I think I’m going to buy myself yet another blank journal and start a blogging notebook… kind of a “writer’s block defense book.” I almost bought one this weekend (for free with a coupon), but they were all so cheap looking I didn’t think they’d hold up to the abuse I was sure to pile on them. I’m low on funds right now, but I may still go out and see what I can find in the bookstore, later.

Busy Little Bees…

…in which I talk about not only my hectic life, but the great achievements of my little one.

IMG_7856So even though we were on vacation last week, I feel like things have been crazy all over. With the very appreciated assistance of Angela, we flew out to Indiana Thursday to visit my brother and his micro family. We had a great time. My parents were in town to visit for the first few days, so it was nice to see everyone all at once. We got to go to Christy’s mom’s house for a nice Independence Day “meat and munitions extravaganza,” which was really fun and I got, what I think, are some really good fireworks photos (though, I’ve kind of decided most fireworks photos all look pretty much the same).

LiveJournal Archives

Too Much of Me…

I’ve love Web 2.0 and that should be obvious to most. I blog, I livejournal, I twitter, I flickr, I, I rss, I facebook, etc. The problem is I put different content on everything and yet I want most people on the different social feeds to know what all I’m doing in the other places. When I post a on my blog, I want my facebook peeps to know, and when I post on my flickr, I want my twitter twits to hit it up. The problem I’m finding is the more I set up automatic feeds and cross-posters, the more things get repeated. So the danger is that if I post on my blog, it tells my livejournal, my twitter, and my facebook; but at the same time, when my livejournal finds out that I blogged, it tells my twitter and facebook as well; and then, of course, my twitter tells my facebook.

So what happens is my facebook hears three times that I blogged. I want each of my webspaces to know what I’m doing on the other webspaces, but I don’t want things to snowball and all flood each other with duplicate information. Its like I need one clearinghouse for everything and that one place disseminates everything out equally and fairly, without redundant content or illegible codes.

If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, please, let me know.