Archive for September, 2004

Thursday, September 9th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

This is gonna take a while.

Thursday, September 9th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 7 Comments

I still have Gmail invites if anyone wants them.

but it looks like they’re getting harder and harder to give away.

Thursday, September 9th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

figures kurtz_moblog gets his photos back up and pelmoblog3mine are still being “restored.”

I’m tired of seeing the “images restoring” placeholder image. Come on Buzznet, fix my pix.

Unless of course his pretend to be down when I go to look after posting this. I swear they were up a few minutes. ago… Damn you Buzznet.


Thursday, September 9th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

From stripedcandee

YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet + Street you live on)
Robbie Nottingham

YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (Name of your favorite snack food + Grandfather’s first name)
Frito James

YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME: (First word you see on your left + Favorite restaurant)
Sojourn Chili (I really don’t have a favorie anything, but Chilis was better than Taco Bell)

EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: (Favorite Spice + Last Vacation Spot)
Clove Bahama

SOCIALITE ALIAS: (Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied)
Tiger Stores (I didn’t really have a Childhood Nickname beyond what I still go by, so I used what my Grandpa called my brother)

FLY GIRL ALIAS: (aka J.Lo) – (First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name)
K. Clo (well that’s lame)

ICON ALIAS: (Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen)
Coffee Coffee (heh)

DETECTIVE ALIAS: (Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Went to High School)
Puppy Ledyard

BARFLY ALIAS: (Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink)
Pringles Smirnoff

SOAP OPERA ALIAS: (Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived)
DeWayne Stoddard Wharf (not really the first street I lived on, but I don’t remember that one… this is the first I can actually remember)

ROCK STAR ALIAS: (Favorite Candy + Last Name Of Favorite Musician)
Reeses Gabirel (again, I really don’t have a favorite anything)

Wednesday, September 8th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

My japanese name is 中村 Nakamura (center of the village) 海斗 Kaito (big dipper of the ocean).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Name Generator Generator.

Wednesday, September 8th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 1 Comment

want to read book. have book here. can’t focus enough to read book. keep spacing out in front of book. can barely focus enough to read livejournal. livejournal not updating enough to be entertaining. want to read book.

Wednesday, September 8th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 8 Comments

I have some Gmail invites, but I’m not sure how many I’m gonna give out. Post a reply and I’ll decide if I deem you worthy enough for the glory of Gmail.

Wednesday, September 8th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 2 Comments

Ugh, I hate it when I’m giving one of these classroom orientations and trying to be informative and authoritative and I start blowing a bubble between my two front teeth. How self-defeating is that.

Anyway, haven’t been doing too much lately. Mostly sleeping and playing City of Heroes. Last night I really wanted to play and was prepared to play too late, but by 10:00 I was falling asleep playing. When did I get old. Jeeze. I figured since yesterday was a workout and bike-ride day, I’d be full of vim and vigor, but no, I was literally falling asleep in my chair. Still having fun with the game though… I’m up to 8 characters now, but I only really play about three of them. Numbers 4 and 5 I wish I had time to play, but I make sure to focus on the three so I don’t get too far behind. Number 6 I really wish I could play, but she’s so redundant, it’s not even funny. Numbers 7 and 8, I just never really got into, though, I fully admit, I had fun with them for the three levels I played them up. Maybe when blu3warri0r starts playing, I’ll have an excuse to play them more. He says he’ll be starting next week, I’ll believe it when I see it, but I have to say, I’m really looking forward to believing it.

blu3warri0r is one of those people I really wish I had the time to hang out with more. We game once every two weeks, and that’s about all I ever see him. Saw him more when we were both doing RPGA more heavilly, but it’s gotten harder to do RPGA the last few weeks. I’m going to try to start pushing it a bit more as Year 3 starts to retire in the next couple months. Still, it’ll be nice to at least chat and fight evil with him on CoH.

I’m sorry for the fact that my latest moblog service has gone down. I’ve been really grumpy that no photo blogger has worked consistently since I started taking pictures, but they promise that it will be back online soon. I’m not moving again, I tell you that much though. I’m sick of moving all my pictures and leaving a trail of moblogs.

Got to pull something with my Baja the other day for the first time. Unfortunately it was corwin75‘s car. I’m sorry for ya man, I can only imagine (no, I can more than imagine) how much it sucks to have a car die on you. At least you were only a mile from home and not 980 miles from home and still 20 miles from your destination. Man that sucked. I hope that whoever you trade it in for can determine if the engine is salvageable or not, so maybe that will raise the “junk heap” value a bit.

And last but not least, we’re into the second week of the month, and I still have a fair portion of my allowance. How uncommon is that?

Blah, too early to think.

Monday, September 6th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 2 Comments

Popular interests among peloquin3’s friends
1. movies (21) 11. cats (10)
2. music (20) 12. unt (9)
3. computers (17) 13. dvds (9)
4. anime (15) 14. cowboy bebop (9)
5. art (15) 15. writing (9)
6. rpgs (12) 16. drawing (9)
7. video games (12) 17. fantasy (8)
8. games (11) 18. tattoos (8)
9. photography (10) 19. sex (8)
10. reading (10) 20. denton (7)
Interests gestalt
My most interesting friend is aiethne who has 13 of these interests,
followed by pretentiousfool (13), peloquin3 (11) and tbranch (11).
Normality Index
My friends are 78.52% normal.
Analyze me !
Popular interests created by _imran_

Friday, September 3rd, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 6 Comments

So now that I’ve got this cool new GMail account I’ve realized that I don’t get a lot of email. Makes me wish I kept in touch with people more, but I think I’ve burned a lot of bridges as I traveled through life… burned them or let them rot and collapse under age. I post on LiveJournal to tell the stories of my days and my life, but the personal connection isn’t there like it is in email. I talk to friends daily, the people I truly consider my close friends. I know some of us have had odds at times, but we’ve always mended our differences. There are others though that I have lost touch with, and no matter how hard I try to find them, they’re gone forever. Some I find, never to hear from them when I try to contact them. Some I find, just to find that the contact information I have is no longer valid. I have friends who still talk to and contact their friends from childhood. My childhood was quite secluded. I was a very shy child and thus never made a lot of friends. So, even though I went to school with pretty much the same people all through school, I never really had the same friend year after year. I think a lot of it had to do with where I lived. I didn’t really live in a neighborhood, there were no other kids anywhere near where I could walk to or ride my bike, so I was kind of isolated. The only friends I could make were the ones in my class, and since my classmates changed every year, it didn’t lend itself to making the same friends.

So now, here I am, in my early 30’s and I’m jealous of people who have childhood friends or chat with people other than those they work beside. I find myself lucky that the people I work with are actually my friends, but sometimes I feel the need to diversify. I’ve been guitly of being a hermit, too. Refusing to go out and do things with people when the opportunity arose, and as a result, have lost the chance of making good friends out of casual acquaintences.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not unhappy with my life. Sometimes I just wish there were more people to share it with, and that I still knew some of the people I’ve known in the past.

Social Slider



September 2004