I have started a new LJ Community in which I will collect Spam Email… if you have any that is particularly funny, original, or artistic, feel free to join and submit it. It is a moderated community, so only the best spam can pass on, but I am a very bored individual and spend most of my time online (as most of you know) so posts should go up fairly quickly).
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You’re really doing it huh…I’ll have to go through my slowroosevelt account and snag some for you.
Summer realy that boring?
I’ve just been wanting to do this for a while and was making another community last night and decided, “what the hell” when I got this really bad ass one this morning: “traffic light 15 toothpicks”
Yeah, i knew you were when we were exchanging spams that one day.
What a weird spam…these spammers are getting very good at this.
so good some should be put on display…
I don’t know if my spam filters are working overtime or if the spammers just don’t love me. I don’t get any spam whatsoever.
I’ve already had people say they would sign for new email accounts just because of the creative spam I’ve been getting.
You poor poor thing.