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god, I’m so desperately bored, I’m tempted to watch Bubble Boy again.

I don’t know where my replacement is, he said he needed to work for someone else in the building this morning, but “this morning” ended over two hours ago so now I’m stillsitting here. I’m tired of making these little, one line posts, so I’m trying to type some more crap in here, but I really don’t have much to say. I’ve checked a bunch of people in and out of computers, watch Bubble Boy, listened to music, spent way too much time on LiveJournal, and mostly just sat on my ass. I wish I could say I’ve done something interesting, but aside from writing three lame paragraphs in my new writing practice journal, I’ve done abso-fucking-lutely nothing. At least yesterday I… no… I didn’t do anything then either. This summer is turning into a giant snooze-fest for the most part. I need an excuse to get out and do something fun, but more than an excuse, I need some extra cash to do something fun (unless you guys got some cheap/free ideas). I’d love to go to Six Flags, but even with a coke can, I don’t know if we can pull it off. To be honest, I’d really love to go somewhere, out of Texas especially, but with our budgetary issues, I don’t think I could pull it off. Disposable cash declining, adventurous freedom diminishing, now settling in to stagnancy.

I want to go home and drink beer in my hammock. I’m gonna need some beer.

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LiveJournal Archives

What do you know, I’ve been in the paper again. I didn’t realize I was so popular.

“We plan to take full advantage of it when it does get built,” said Kacey Close, who, along with his wife, has lobbied for a dog park in Denton for years. He said such a place would offer enormous exercise and socialization potential to the couple’s two dogs. “We could really benefit from one in Denton.”

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LiveJournal Archives

I guess I’m kind of an idiot. I didn’t even mention what the Community was when I announced it Monday.


I have started a new LJ Community in which I will collect Spam Email… if you have any that is particularly funny, original, or artistic, feel free to join and submit it. It is a moderated community, so only the best spam can pass on, but I am a very bored individual and spend most of my time online (as most of you know) so posts should go up fairly quickly).

LiveJournal Archives

I am so tempted to go home as soon as someone takes over in the lab and not come back until Monday. Someone convince me to do otherwise. The fate of my week is in your hands.

Okay, so my boss said I’d be here Thursday and Friday… I guess it’s no longer in your hands.

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I’ve been spending way too much time at this checkin desk, my butt and knees are killing me… Maybe I need to invest in a better chair for the labees. I’ll just be glad when I don’t have to cover so many shifts. I have myself scheduled for 8 hours a week in here, but I don’t think I’ve come even close to that since Summer I began.

Mabye I’ll take tomorrow and Friday off. ouch.

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me: mac or pc?
student: copier.

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I thoguht mandroid would get a kcik out of this image.

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God I need Coffee… and to get out of this lab…

LiveJournal Archives

I’ve been playing Amplitude again since I can’t seem to focus on anything else right now (I tried to load up Vampire yesterday, but got distracted before I even started the game). I’ve been getting better again and finding “the zone” once in a while, but it still gets frustrating as I’m starting with the game partially completed and that means I’ve already done all the easy levels back when I first got the game. I tried playing online the other day but that was just pathetic on multiple levels. For one, there was really only one game to be played, and it was at a difficulty level I was not prepared for, so I just did horribly. Anyway, it’s been fun and I’m once again wishing that someone, somwhere released soundtracks not only for Amplitude, but also it’s predescesor FreQency. I managed to rip a bunch of tracks out of FreQuency a while back, but they’re not the best quality and they repeat strangely since they’re all set to loop on the game. I wish someone would just release a CD with these games, I mean if they’re going to get all real artists together to make the music for a game, you might as well cash in on that and sell the compilation CD.

Heather’s sick today. I really think a lot of her problems (if not all of them) stem from her inability to relax. A couple years ago, I encouraged her to exercise more because I thought it would help her manage stress and allow her to enjoy her time at home better, but she couldn’t really keep it up and didn’t really feel like it was helping any. Today shes curled up in bed, tied up in knots with a stomach ache and I’m convinced it’s probably stress related. She just can’t relax like normal people, if she isn’t distracted by TV or asleep, she’s constantly thinking (and more importantly, worrying) about something. She’s constantly stressed out about something, work, sex, house work, money, etc. She just can’t stop worrying and mulling over things. It makes me sad to see her this way, and I really wish I could help, but she doesn’t have the energy and the willpower to change her living habits to be better, healthier, or more active, so she worries about that, too.