LiveJournal Archives

LJ Interests meme results

  1. board games:
    RoboRally – the king of all board games.
  2. computers:
    Building, playing games on, maintaining, surfing the internet, etc.
  3. day of the tentacle:
    Tim Schafer in all his madcap glory.
  4. dungeons and dragons:
    Old School gaming at its best.
  5. games:
    See all above.
  6. ledyard high school:
    Where I spent four years of my life, they were some of the best years at the time, and still ilicit pretty good memories.
  7. nightwatch:
    A fantastic new Modern Gothic trilogy from Russia (
  8. role playing games:
    My favorite way to escape the drudgery of mundane life.
  9. tim schafer:
    He is responsible for Day of the Tenticle, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango, three of the greatest Lucas Arts Games ever.
  10. video games:
    My second favorite way to escape the drudgery of mundane life.

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

6 replies on “”

Speaking of Maintaining computers, get WOW running man. I have another pristine diamond for you. Only stipulation is that we take another pally with us when you do the final quest to get your mount. Lets Get It On!

I’m under the gun for projects right now, but hopefully this weekend I’ll be able to get on for a little bit at least. I think I’ve nearly gotten enough photos, but I won’t really know until the Critique. My research paper is coming due disturbingly soon (Oct 6) so I’m starting to sweat that a bit though.

Believe me, I WANT to play, I really don’t have the time.

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