Archive for December, 2003

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003 | LiveJournal Archives | 2 Comments

oh yell yeah, this song is the shit.


Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments



Thank you NotMad Music Server, Thank you for my salvation!

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Look at my Icon – I’m in the lab…

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

…but this isn’t really a rant. It’s a plea for attention. Shit, I just realized I didn’t get my lunch before having to come in here. There’s no way I’m going to be able to eat pizza and drink a pepsi in the lab. Okay, maybe if the pizza is cold, but knowing Heather, she’ll be sweet and beautiful and loving and heat up my pizza. In which case it will be piping hot and the smell will infect the lab. And I can’t really have that.

News Flash: Heather just arrived and she figured I’d heat my pizza in the microwave which means it’s cold and I can eat it in the lab. Yay!

So anyway, it’s hell week, I mean dead week (factoid: dead=57005 in hexidecimal), so everyone is in the lab working their asses off. The only people not in the lab working like coalminers, are the lab attendants, who are all out dealing with tests and projects of their own. So I’m in the hot seat.

I’m starving, I gotta eat. Wish me luck eating in the lab. Don’t tell Craig.

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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

January 2nd 2004! Bring your TV, Bring your XBOX, Bring a copy of HALO and Three Friends!

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 | LiveJournal Archives | 3 Comments

So Thanksgiving was this past week. We ate turkey and called it dinner, I guess that counts.

We went to Heather’s parents’ house for Thanksgiving. I’m not overly fond of visiting her parents, but we do so anyway. It’s about a 5 hour drive up there, we make it in just under 5 hours. She lives in the panhandle where there’s nothing to break the horrizon for miles and the wind blows 90mph year round. bleh. Wednesday night was sandwiches which were pretty good, although they were on cheap ass, stick to the roof of your mouth like a dental mold bread. I got to meet Doug and Kay, who are Heather’s parent’s friends from Australia. They were really cool, though more talkative than I am. Means I get to sit and listen a lot while saying a lot of “wow,” “yeah,” mmhmm,” and “really.” They had some pretty cool stories though, most of all, don’t speed in Australia.

Thursday was Thanksgiving. Heather slept almost all day, which she is want to do on vacation. Unfortunately, since I get up pretty early (okay 9:00) even on weekends and vacations, that leaves me to do more “uh-huh-ing” with Heather’s family. The really big downer is, where I don’t really watch sports at all, Heather’s family switches from one sporting event to another constantly all day. If the TV is on, it’s on Sports. So I have to suffer, pretending to care about what they talk about, watching shit I don’t want to watch. I played some games with Brandon and started reading Vishvakarman‘s novel. Dinner was okay. The turkey, regardless of how good Bill cooks from time to time, was dry and kind of bland. Everything else was good. It’d be nice to have a real, home made pie once in a while, but store bought is fine. I just love PIE.

We managed to wrestle in a watching of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Extended Edition after “second dinner” which was nice. Though we had to ride the volume much like the first night when we watched Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. Heather’s mom has this thing about the volume and it has to be below a certain level, which the action sequences are always above and dialgue is always below, so we have to ride the volume to hear what’s going on but not annoy her mother. Sheesh. Then again, they’re rattling the dominoes so loud that even then, we can’t really hear.

Friday was Heather’s Birthday and that brought about everyone leaving the house for Black Friday. Heather and I got to stay behind and watch The Hulk and Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets at any volume we wanted. Ah, blissful freedom. We had a pretty damn good ham that night for dinner. Bill redeemed himself from the Turkey the night before.

Saturday, after a lot of conversation, we finally pulled ourselves away and made our 5 hour journey in 4½ hours. Only 30 minutes longer than Brandon. 😉

When we got home, we really got our vacation, we went out to dinner, we curled up and watched a movie, we really enjoyed the end of our trip.

All in all, it was a good vacation, too short and not necesarily with the people I’d most wanted to spend it with, but still, better than some. I got to see a good number of movies for free and was able to read all of Vish’s novel, which, in my opinion, definitely didn’t suck.

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 | LiveJournal Archives | 2 Comments

So I never got around to writing yesterday, nor did I ever get around to even trying out the text post option this weekend. What can I say, I’m a lazy bastard.

First, while it’s fresh in my mind (and I know TheQuietGirl is interested to hear), are my comments on last night’s Average Joe. Aside from the previews and commercials pretty much setting my up for the whole thing, it was pretty good. I was actually biting my fingertips at one point. I can’t remember if I said this before, but I think it was just in a reply so I’ll write it here as an official opinion. I’m pretty sure the producers had a say in the cuts last week. There were three old guys and three new guys. I know she genuinely had interests in and feelings for all three of the old, average guys, but I knew for a fact that she didn’t like one of the new guys, and another she had commented on being too young, and quite honestly, not having much going on upstairs. And yet, while it totally looked like it was going to be three average guys and one handsome guy, she twisted the plot and chose two and two. There’s too much coincidence for that not to be a producer’s call. She probably still got to make the cut, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they told her to even the odds.

Anyway, back to this week. Zack fucked up, that’s all there is to it. He’s been fucking up for weeks now, it’s just she finally got insight to it. I knew he would be out eventually, I just wish it had been in the first cut (right after he smashed a raw egg on one of the other guy’s head). The original camp was totally Nerd and Jocks right out of Revenge of the Nerds. Thankfully, he was really the only Jock to survive, but it would have been refreshing to not keep him anyway. I think he grew as a person from all of this, but not enough. He was still rude, crude, and ill mannered out of her sight. Very two faced. When she called him out for the cut, though, I was still tense and felt a little bad for him because he had grown, he had evolved. He was had shown his soft side and been a genuine person, even to some of the other Average Joes.

Oh, and props to Adam who, while not putting two and two together, at least came up with all the numbers when asking if Malena, in her fat suit, looked like Fat Monica from Friends. Maybe, in a real world situation, it would be too unexpected to realize, but I’m sorry, the fat suit still looked like a fat suit and she still sounded and talked just like Malena.

Anyway, next week is the two hour conclusion and I’m still rooting for the Average Adam, though this new guy seems pretty genuine and real in his own way. He still stepped up to the plate with an unfair advantage, and that’s what this experiment is all about, isnt’ it?

I’ll write more on Thanksgiving later, after I’ve done a little work.

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December 2003