It’s been a couple days…

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003 | LiveJournal Archives

Things are going a bit better, but then they always do after crazy monkey sex. I think I have an optomism cycle I go through. When Heather and I are able to actually get things in sync, I’m usually good for a week or so, I’ll make comments and try to create opportunities, but I’m not overly put off by rejection. After a week or so, I start to feel like rejection is the status quo and I start to feel desperate and dejected. If it goes on for more than two weeks, then I start to feel nihilistic and that things are going to only get worse. If we make it past three weeks, we usually get in a big explosive fight which, while we do not have make-up sex, per-se, we usually seem to temporarilly resolve our issues in the next day or so. And then we start all over again. Maybe this is the cycle of our lives and I just need to learn to accept it.

Work’s been slower, even slower than normal since yesterday was Labor Day. Stupid Labor Day, we were laboring damnit. What the hell? We work for a public university, but we don’t get government hollidays off. Sheesh. So we came to work, and we did our time, and we left early. We took off around 2:00 and just enjoyed a quiet drizzly afternoon at home.

I’ve been playing a LOT of Knights of the Old Republic and DAYAMN is it a bad ass game. If you have an Xbox and like RPGs, then you should already own this. If not, you should go out and get it. I don’t even think you have to be a Star Wars fan. The Plot in this is very well written and has some really nice surprises, twists, and depth to it. It has an almost endless array of side plots and sub-stories, as well as minigames and other challenges. It’s so great when you can get out of an encounter without combat. So many RPGs use the standard “Hack-N-Slash” method of dealing with all conflicts and encounters. It’s nice that you can actually get out of a fight by telling your foes a joke (yes, I really did that last night, I told some Sith Soldiers a joke and the let me go!).

The game continues to be more and more interesting and the combination of missing some sub quests, and the morality paths not taken are making me really look forward to the next play through. I’m playing a very fencewalking, morally ballanced character this time. I earn a couple light side points and then a couple dark side points to ballance it all out. I’ve stayed almost in the center of the force scale the entire time. Even though I’ve heard most people do this, I intend to play through a second time and be as evil as possible. I want to see if I can peg my dark side scale, and how fast I can do it. There are some plots that I should open up by doing so, so I’m really looking foward to doing it. I may even play through a third time and try to peg the light side of the scale, but we’ll see after I finish it a second time. I wish I was at home playing it right now.

I’ve contacted an old friend of mine from high school recently. She’s been out of touch for a very long time and I’m very glad to have found her on email again. She’s doesn’t have very regular access, so I only get to talk to her once in a while, but that’s more than I’ve been able to do in the last 10 years.

Anyway, I’m in the lab for an hour again today. I actually enjoy it. I wish I could schedule myself as the 8th lab attendant, especially if I could get paid to be a lab attendant. I know I’m the best lab attendant I could hire. Is it nepotism to hire yourself? I have to hire another lab attendant, I’ve had a couple decent applications, so I may even hire without advertising, I should advertise though, if only for a week. I ususally get so many applicants so quickly that’s usually all that’s needed. I’ll probably try to put up the sign tomorrow.

I hate that part of my job. In fact, I think that’s probably my least favorite part of the job. I know most people who come in for an interview are tense and nervous, but I’m tense and nervous as well. I hate talking to people I don’t know, and I hate talking to people in a professional manner. This pretty much combines both of my hatreds together. It’s maybe not quite as bad as public speaking, but it’s pretty darn close. Yeah, having to interview perspective lab attendants and give classroom orientations in the same week. That’s what I call hell.

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September 2003