Archive for August, 2005

A meme while on hold

Thursday, August 25th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

think about what cities or towns you’ve lived in (not just visited) in your life, and post them in your journal:

  • Westerly, RI
  • Gales Ferry, CT
  • Ledyard, CT
  • Rockwall, TX
  • Muncie, IN (but not really)
  • Denton, TX

Another Day – Another Bullet in my Head

Thursday, August 25th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 5 Comments

Its the last Thursday before classes, and while this would usually mean I’d be staring fondly off the third floor balcony over the lightwell, thinking what a nice ker-splatt I’d make on the concrete below, I have to say, I’m doing better than that this year. Since corwin75Steve and I traded jobs, I feel bad watching him stress, but I’m still not entirely stress free either. I’ve still got 20+ computers to distribute and a work room full of shit that needs to be dealt with.

Also, if you don’t read some other journals on my friends list, I should inform you that I’ve decided to go back to school this Fall. I’m going to start work on my MFA in Photography. Heather and I have been talking about it for a while and we weren’t sure where the money was going to come from. We finally decided that we’d go ahead and put the first half of the tuition on a credit card and pay the later payments out of our account. So I’ll be picking up the cameras and doing some serious shooting. Apparently the class has a crit every three weeks with an assignment of 20 perfect prints.

I may be calling for models so if you know anyone who doesn’t mind being photographed a lot and wouldn’t expect to be paid to stand around while I take pictures, I’d appreciate some help. I haven’t decided at all what I’m going to be photographing, but I though I’d just throw that out there. I used to have an online portfolio, but apparently it’s been lost so I’ll try to get some samples of what I used to do. I don’t do portraiture, but I often have people in my photos.

Anyway, back to the grind.

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Wednesday, August 24th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 7 Comments

Shit, on top of everything else, I guess this week is Movie Night, isn’t it.

Are we still going ot want a movie night when we have the Luau the very next night?

Monday, August 22nd, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 3 Comments

So this free iPod Shuffle thing is getting annoying. I actually got three people to sign up, but only 1 person actually “went green” as the lingo goes. Only one persone completed their offer and verified that it was actually complete. I kept emailing the other two people, but one is completely unresponsive and the other apparently only checks his mail every three weeks. All you have to do, if you complete an offer, is wait 15 days and send the people a copy of the offer confirmation email. Is that so hard? I’ve done it twice now, and every offer I’ve ever done has gone green.

I finally got desperate and openened myself up for a fourth referral trade, which has gone green in less than 72 hours. So now I have four people signed up, and still only two referrals. This has gotten to be more work than just finding the $125 for the damn thing in the first place. Why won’t these people put for the effort, it takes like 15 minutes on a saturday afternoon to make sure all your offers are valid and accounted for. The guy who only reads his email every 3 weeks or so even said he would be checking his offers that evening… it had already been 17 days, he should be green by now and I should have my damn iPod.




Monday, August 22nd, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Today is the first day back for Faculty on campus… and as usually, its one of the craziest days of the semester. I need a drink… hell, I need a lot of drinks. Steve and I are both getting a crash course in how busy each of us were in our respective prior jobs at this time. Each of us thought the other one was really bored, but now we’re realizing that we just cover it up really well.I’ve got so many computers to update, and while I’m doing that, fix ones that broke over the summer, that I’m up to my eyeballs in orders. Yeesh!

This weekend we did some WoW stuff. Lets just say, guild gripes aside, it was all good. I also found out that my brother got to scam his way into Gencon. Bravo, bro!

I’ve only got 10 minutes left, but I’m going to see what I can do with it. Quick tip: its always easier to tell a student they’ve lost all the data on their disk, than it is to tell a faculty member that. It shouldn’t be, but it is.


Friday, August 19th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 3 Comments

Getting closer and closer to being “that Mac guy” at work. I’ve got a Trillian style imstant messenger, I’ve got a livejournal client that does nearly as much as Semagic did (though I still kind of miss Semagic), and I’ve decided that I can share the folder with all of my MP3s over to the mac from the PC and use iTunes for the present at least. I’ve always known that the Mac version of iTunes had some really cool features, so now I get to play with them. Very shortly, my PC may become my backup machine to the mac I log into every day.


Friday, August 19th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 1 Comment

Its funny to watch someone give a presentation holding a mic not to speak into, but just because it was handed to him.


Mac OSX Default Browser

Friday, August 19th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Could someone please tell me how to change the Default browser in OSX?

Edit: They (Apple) moved all internet preferences to the Safari preferences menu… those bastards.



Thursday, August 18th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | Enter your password to view comments.

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Thursday, August 18th, 2005 | LiveJournal Archives | 6 Comments

So far I’ve found a replacement for Semagic and Trillian. One quacks like a duck, the other seems to be fairly decent.

I’m still stuck on the whole music server thing. I will probably be keeping a PC in the background for my Windows work, and I could technically keep serving up music that way, but I’ve found that iTunes doesn’t like to play music from the server very well. It usually plays one track from a playlist and stops.

Really, the problem wouldn’t be such a big deal if I was the only one listening to my music, but I share it with my wife and a few other select people on campus and I don’t want to take away that service to them. Also, on occasion, I do actually server up music at home. It saves me from having to carry my mp3 player everywhere, I can leave it up here and only take it home when I need it. guess all I really need to do is figure out how to share out my music and I’m good to go.

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August 2005