Getting closer and closer to being “that Mac guy” at work. I’ve got a Trillian style imstant messenger, I’ve got a livejournal client that does nearly as much as Semagic did (though I still kind of miss Semagic), and I’ve decided that I can share the folder with all of my MP3s over to the mac from the PC and use iTunes for the present at least. I’ve always known that the Mac version of iTunes had some really cool features, so now I get to play with them. Very shortly, my PC may become my backup machine to the mac I log into every day.
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Ummm… Mac love, represent!?
Well, I’ll still be PC at home, but at least I’ll clear one more machine from my workspace.
the one I’ve finally decided to go with is XJournal. It is by no means as powerful as Semagic, but it gets the job done.