So far I’ve found a replacement for Semagic and Trillian. One quacks like a duck, the other seems to be fairly decent.
I’m still stuck on the whole music server thing. I will probably be keeping a PC in the background for my Windows work, and I could technically keep serving up music that way, but I’ve found that iTunes doesn’t like to play music from the server very well. It usually plays one track from a playlist and stops.
Really, the problem wouldn’t be such a big deal if I was the only one listening to my music, but I share it with my wife and a few other select people on campus and I don’t want to take away that service to them. Also, on occasion, I do actually server up music at home. It saves me from having to carry my mp3 player everywhere, I can leave it up here and only take it home when I need it. guess all I really need to do is figure out how to share out my music and I’m good to go.
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Have you tried Gaim?
no, I haven’t. I looked at it and it seemed to be Unix and Windows based. I’m sure it will run on a mac, but I can’t test it until tomorrow.
I just read more of the page, it will run on OsX, so I’ll give it a looksee tomorrow.
Heh, even the Gaim people tell you to use Adium, which is what I downloaded and tested today.
really? LOL. oh well. anything is better than iChat, right?
tru dat.