LiveJournal Archives

Posted by: peloquin3 on Buzznet

Another one gone…
I wish UNT would start planting trees and stop cutting them down.

I swear, next time the KDB society is giving away trees, I’m getting two and planting them around campus. Who’s with me?

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Ugh, they cut down another one?

They also said in the paper last year they they were gunna add -two- “green areas” but since then all they’ve done is…torn down some beautiful, big trees and put up a new chem building; ripped up more grass and put down a large cement area; and chopped down random trees in the tiny little green areas around the place.

Oh, right. And they put some benches in some..crappy empty lot that kinda has grass.

Rant aside, KDB? And prolly pine trees, no.

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