LiveJournal Archives

Twas a good party, fun and drink abound. I can say for certain that its difficult to type write now, almost as difficult as it is to speak. Not as big a turn out as we expected, but still a fair group. I have to say it was nice to see Amy, Derek and the kids there. I am genuninely jealous of Amy with Willy, Brandon and Tommy. I know we just want one, but if they’re half as nice as any of her three, we’ll be ahead of most peope these days.

orosCraig was trying to make some cherry cheesecake shots and got really close. The first one I drank, while it didn’t win out on the first taste, definitely tasted right after a few minutes of resting. The second one, well, I was too drunk to really tell, so no real judgement there. Either way, it was tasty. The night started to wrap up when Nick had to be carried out to the car and Craig passed out on his bed… though we did all sneak into his room to play the MahNumMahNuh song in his ear from my phone and even nearly passed out, he did the little dance.

We all watched Willie play some more Gauntlet before we realized that we were watching a kid play video games and that’s a sign that we should give up for the night.

Have a happy and safe 4th of July, everybody. Be sure to have fun, but don’t blow yourselves up.