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Posted by: peloquin3 on Buzznet

I like to drive my little car on my desk

LiveJournal Archives

Heather and I took a three day weekend because its summer and we can! We spent a lot of money, unfortunately, and now the rest of the month has us living on what’s left in the house and $16 in our pockets. Hopefully we don’t have to bust out the Credit Card again. At least its a Capital One card so no visigoths will come beating down our door.

Movie night went great. I think everyone enjoyed The Imposters, and it was funnier than I remember. Its been a long time since I’ve seen it so I was a little nervous, but all was good and a good time was had by all. The rest of the weekend was spent screwing around and generally not concerning ourselves with anything of any importance. We shopped on Saturday and bought some new clothes for work and working out. We also got some much needed toiletries as I was nearly out of deoderant, pomade, toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, and bath soap. I was getting dangerously close to being very uncouth.

I played a fair amount of World of Warcraft, watched a fair number of movies on TV, and generally lazed about for three days. I’m getting to the point where I think we will not be going on vacation this summer (as the next semester starts in 5 weeks), but I’m still not sure. If we do go, though, it’s going to be all on borrowed money (credit card) which Heather and I are both a bit wary of doing.

The radio show I listen to brought up a fun and insghtful question this morning. So our as a new feature of the journal, please post in a reply your answer:

“When did you first feel old?”

LiveJournal Archives

Its surprisingly pleasant out today… Except for that horrible smell!