LiveJournal Archives

I’ve been really absent on LiveJournal lately and for those 2 of you that actually read my journal, I’m sorry. Aside from World of Warcraft being pretty all consuming, and my attention span for anything else being pretty much Nil. I had spring break the week before last and this past week I’ve been completely distracted by Poison Ivy. So lets do a bit of catching up.

As I said, I had spring break two weeks ago. I did very little and I loved it. I got my new camera Tuesday of spring break thanks to a really good man out at CDW-G. Justin, wherever you are, thank you. I got a great deal on a Canon RebelXT which is their brand new, top of the line, 8.0 MP Pro-sumer digital camera. It is a wonderful device and I fell in love with the box before I even opened it. I’ve taken a number of pictures and need to post some here for viewing. I bought Heather this fairly nice photo printer for christmas and I have to say, even under careful scrutiny, I can’t tell that the photos are digital. Not until I pulled out magnifying glass and a flashlight could I see the pixel information start to break down. That’s pretty good in my book.

So I took a bunch of goofy, pointless photos over Spring Break, photos that would be best served taken with my camera phone, but you know, I had the power to do better and I wanted to play with it. I’m still taking my photos on the full auto mode. I’ve never had a camera that was anything but full manual (Pentax K-1000) so I don’t know how to use all these features yet like Aperture Priority and wierd stuff like that. In fact, I’d almost prefer to just set the ISO, Shutter Speed and F-Stop by hand. Though, I have to admit, with my eyesight deteriorating, and the fact that I no longer wear contacts, I really love the auto focus. I’ve noticed that my later photos with the Pentax were often quite soft focus. I determined that came from my looking through the top of my glasses where the prescription wasn’t quite right. What I need is a prescription eyepiece. I hear they make them, but I bet they’re hella-expensive.

So anyway, that’s my new camera. I’m so glad I canceled my order from Amazon and went with CDW-G instead. I wouldn’t even have it yet, if I hadn’t.

Next up, GeoCaching and Poison Ivy.

My LiveBrownie status!

19 replies on “”

Yes, I’m thinking of starting a club here. Should we have a secret password? I might suggest a newsletter, but something like that I’d post on my less oftenly (is that a word? It is now!) updated LJ. :p

That sounds like a great camera. I didn’t ever use a camera that wasn’t auto focus until I took a photo J class, now, I love working with f-stops and shutter speeds and I can’t just do a normal camera anymore

And yeah, wow rocks, I’m up to 23 and 25 with 2 seperate charchters now.

Yeah, I really need to sit down and read the manual on these other settings that are somewhere between manual and full auto. Mabye tomorrow when WoW is down.

Its not productive to play two characters.. I’ve got my primary up to 47 and climbing with two alts kind of stuck under 10. I still prefer and thoroughly enjoy my Paladin though:

I know it’s not productive, but I started one before all my co-workers started playing, got him up to 23 or so, and then started playing with my co-workers and playing my first charachter when that server is down.

The guild I’m in, which is actually a Denton based guild, has players ranging from 1-60, so I can always find someone to play with.

I do have an Horde alt on a second server since Silver Hand goes down and awful lot.

Silver Hand server, The Silver Talons. If you decide to do it, send me mail in game so I know your character name and I’ll let the captains know.

We’re even talking about having a monthly IRL get together.

well, as it turns out, there appear to be five of you, so you actually have enough people to have a President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, and still have one member.

Well, as luck would have it all the servers I do play on were the ones down for extended maintenence, so, I have a NE druid (which i’m sure there are already plenty of) named BlutHerz

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