Archive for April, 2004

Thursday, April 15th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 3 Comments

so, now that I’ve got all these icons, I need to pay to use more in LJ. Unfortunately I’m not funded to do so this month. Are there any Sugarmamas that want to see me playing with more icons? eh? eh?

I’m an icon making MACHINE!!!

Thursday, April 15th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 3 Comments

I’ve had this one in mind for a few days now. Feel free to use it, just remember where you got it.

Also, I set up a gallery of all the icons so far, so if you’re interested, you can go to my web site and see them all. Remember, most of them are personal photos, so please don’t deface me or use them for personal gain. I’m just proud of some of them and felt like showing off.

More Spam… it gets better every day.

Wednesday, April 14th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 2 Comments

sometimes the absurdity added to these, in order to bypass spam filters is amazing.

Dad boooming his ovvn Dauughters empiricist

M0ther and the Son, fatther and the Daaughter ankle cmuflamingo.
The webssite dedicated to ReaII lnscest make aII reIated drreams possibIe cottages.

http : //

The matterials were subbmitted by our memebrs or bought from reeaI peopIe footpath.

abbott grinder ensembles barf.

commotions countywide fresheners cysteine encountering.

I mean, wtf? cmuflamingo?

Tuesday, April 13th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Man, if there wasn’t another Dean Candidate today, I’d so be staying home
after lunch.

Citi-bank E-MAIL Verificatiion

Tuesday, April 13th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 10 Comments

I’m sorry, but this one doesn’t even look convincing…

_Dear Citi Card-holders,

This_ EMAIL was sennt by_t_he Citibank serevrs to verify your _EMAIL addres.
You must complete this process by clicking on_the__link bellow and entering
in the small _window your _Citibank_ Debbit full_Card_Number and CARD_PIN that
_you_use in_the local_ATM_Machine. That_is _done_ for_your protection becourse some of our
membres members have access to their _mail adrress and we must verify it.

http : //

To verify _your _EMAIL_ adderss and acces _your OnlineCitibank
account, clic on_the__link _below_.

Monday, April 12th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 2 Comments

Today wasn’t too bad. Work was slow, it feels like the semester is winding
down. There were a couple hiccups in the lab, but otherwise, all was quiet.
We watched an episode of Penn & Teller’s: Bullshit recently on the topic of
PETA. As a result, I have recomended that Heather not donate any more money
to those forked tongued, guilt-tripping, hypocrites.

At the moment, I am sitting with Heather, listening to the first Dean
Candidate talk about what he would like to see happen to the school in the
“future.” Like most interviews and “campaign speeches,” its difficult to
determine how much of what he’s saying is what we, the faculty & staff want
to hear. There were definitely moments that felt like that. Its as it he
had certain “buzz words” that he intended to hit to make the audience
happy, but mostly just including those words so each person feel special.
But I don’t want to feel special, I want to feel necessary.

Colaboration seems to be his hot topic.

Kacey this machien swallows money iTTpM

Monday, April 12th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | 3 Comments

Bon matin,

Want to make love to your girlfriend for three or even four hours? With Viagrax u can…. Impotency is a serious matter and should be threated importantly, so let us do it.. So Why Wait?! solid price, no min. order, no automatic re-buy, no fuss. purchase NOW!

http : //

Fikani bwino,
“Stocking M. Pods”

But he says he believes nine to 13 bodies remain buried in the rubble. power is shifting to the conservative side in this struggle. He said a struggle ensued for their firearms and a call for help was initially not understood. It will cause a positive test result If he does, the Transbay Terminal would have to be moved, Destination by ballot


Sunday, April 11th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | Enter your password to view comments.

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Saturday, April 10th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Holy Linkenstein!

Not only did my RSS Feed finaly catch up with my moblog, but it actually shows the pictures now, too!

“Damn, Schneider, what won’t you say?

Friday, April 9th, 2004 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

woot, as of 1:00 the University is closed. Half day off, awesome!

Social Slider



April 2004