Another Monday

Monday, May 5th, 2003 | LiveJournal Archives

Had a pretty good weekend. Looks like I might get really good at a weekly update but I’m beginning to doubt my ability to post more often than that.

HeatherEJCWe went out to see X-2 on Friday. We both liked it a lot, more than the original even. I don’t really know if it was better or worse as far as story or effects, but it was much more fun, and when it comes to a movie like X-Men, I pretty much rate the movie on how much fun I have watching it (oh, that and how much I want the powers that are manifested on screen on the drive home)!

Saturday I spent the day at Talon running RPGA games for an absolutely, overwhelmingly successful game day! We had so many people we had to actually turn people away, sort of. It looked like we were going to be overbooked for the second session (15 people trying to play at two tables of 6), but three people announced they would not be able to continue from the first session to the second so everything was fine. Thank God, I hate having to turn people away, but I’d much rather turn people away because there are too many than have to cancel the game entirely because there are too few (which I’ve had to do in the past). Derek and I are both very excited about how this seems to be shaping up, and when Lars’ closes, things are only going to get crazier (not that I’m looking forward to Lars closing shop, but as the co-ordinator for TalonRPGA, I kinda gotta prepare for the innevitable).

Sunday I was supposed to go out and play Shadowrun in the eveing, but I had a pretty bad day. I couldn’t get things I wanted in the morning and the day was insufferably hot and humid so I just got more and more grumpy as the day went on. Finally I decided to pay bills and ballance the check book. That wasn’t as bad a mistake as I thought it was going to be. We’re not independantly wealthy still, but we’re not in the poorhouse (yet, it’s only the 5th of the month remember). But we’ve paid almost all of our bigger bills, we’ve recieved our monthly allowances, and we’ve still got a fair ammount of cash in the bank. We just need to start buckling down and being good.

Problem is, this month we’re going to San Antonio for our anniversary and, well, that’s gonna cost us some money. We’ve already “paid” for the hotel so that’s not a cost for this month, but we still need to get our asses down there, entertain ourselves, and eat. So we’re gonna be spending some money, we just need to try to make it as little as possible while not limiting our vacation to hiding out in the luxurious hotel we’re staying in (which may not be as fun as it sounds, even if it is our fifth anniversary so no snickering or making up dirty little rhymes, it ain’t like that — but not for lack of my trying).

We’re gearing up for a huge RPGA game at the end of the month, one 16 hour module broken over two days. I really hope I can get my character to level 4 before then, it’s going to be close and I might be screaming for an emergency module as the time gets closer to run, we’ll see what happens.

Making May even more complex is that Norris Film Works is shooting through May and June starting May 19th. So I have a chance to work on another Mike Norris (son of Chuck Norris) film, I’ve already got craploads of stuff planned for May. I wish they were starting in June instead. Maybe they’ll get delayed for some reason, though I doubt it. I feel like I’m going to be ballancing a lot of things this month. RPGA, Anniversary, Filming Opportunities, Erezethmy brother moving down here. All that and it’s a five week month which usually causes us to be extra poor so the film work could really be helpful. Unfortunately I can’t dedicate myself to it because it’s shooting mostly durring weekdays and I have this day job I kinda need to keep. I want to give them as much as I can, but with all the other crap I have going on, I don’t think it’s going to be that much. It’s definitely not going to be enough to get my TV!

Oh well, if you have $5000 to spare or know how I can make an extra $500 a month, please reply to this journal entry.

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1 Comment to Another Monday

May 9, 2003

How to make an extra 500 a month

part at the Tomato?

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