My chest is choking me…

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009 | Blogging

…in which I talk about gut wrenching guilt.

I screwed up. If you are reading this in an RSS feeder and don’t want to see what was supposed to be a hidden, obscured, and off-linked spoiler to Tranformers 2, then do yourself a favor and go directly to my site for a screened and spoiler safer version and just mark all my other posts as read and move on.

The thing is, I trusted that WordPress would send a summary of my post to the RSS feeders much like it shows on my main blog page. You know, just post a couple of paragraphs, and you have to link to my page to get the rest. Apparently, in talking to some people, that’s how it used to work, but no longer. Now WordPress just posts the entire article, or alternatively, the first three lines (give or take).

Neither option is something I want, but I had forgotten this when I posted my review this morning. The review itself is mostly spoiler free, save for the announcement of a couple of characters, but as a goofy tease, I put a screened spoiler at the end. Unfortunately, the RSS feed just blasted it out with no warning or consideration for your feelings.

This, too, shall pass, but for now, I feel sick and guilty and hate the fact that I decided to make a little joke and have it backfire on me.

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June 2009