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Today’s Tweets

  • 08:18 Denton is now on Google Street Views! #
  • 08:48 My WordPress Stats is not working lately… I’m really wondering what my traffic is like. #
  • 13:00 How am I possibly in the mood for a chocolate flavored soda? Is there any such thing as a good Chocolate soda? I don’t think so. #
  • 13:12 Maybe I just need a Yoohoo. #
  • 14:03 I’d love to go out and get a YooHoo, or even go work on a computer out of the office, but there’s this guy going installs that needs access. #
  • 14:45 #Blog: The Oracle Says “No…” #
  • 15:16 Two things I just learned about bicycle commuting from the guy I passed in the hall: Deodorant and Sleeves. #
  • 15:27 I keep wondering if I should look at AJAX for my WordPress install. Anyone with experience with AJAX have an opinion? #
  • 16:22 I’ve added a Tag Cloud to my blog page and I’m thinking I am finally happy with it. #
  • 16:29 Today is Monica Bellucci’s birthday, she is now officially the hottest 44 year old on the planet. #
  • 17:48 How hard is it to have a WebComic RSS feed that is at least 50% webcomic… I appreciate your blogging, but I really mostly want your comic. #
  • 17:49 Twoosh! #
  • 17:59 I need to figure out why my Gmail address book is full of people I don’t know. #
  • 18:04 And now I can finally go home. #
  • 19:37 Sports Authority for bike equipment? Nothing but crap! #

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Cycling Entertainment Work

The Oracle Says “No…”

…in which I talk about frustrating work issues while stalling in the office because some guy needs to get into our server room every 45 seconds.

I’d much rather be outside going to get a YooHoo or even a chocolate coke at Sonic, but instead I have to sit here in the office and hold the door open (not literally) for this guy who is doing some installs in our server room.

LiveJournal Archives

The Oracle Says “No…”

…in which I talk about frustrating work issues while stalling in the office because some guy needs to get into our server room every 45 seconds.

I’d much rather be outside going to get a YooHoo or even a chocolate coke at Sonic, but instead I have to sit here in the office and hold the door open (not literally) for this guy who is doing some installs in our server room.

In the mean time, I’ve been trying to install this stupid room scheduling software on a new Staff computer and it turns out that our decision to switch from XP to Vista may have been a less than stellar choice. The lab had to switch to Vista because the newest version of AutoCAD only runs on Vista. There was no real compelling need for the faculty & staff to switch, but we strive for consistency whenever we can, so the new faculty & staff computers have been getting Vista as well. However, this being the first computer running Vista to need this scheduling software, it has now been brought to my attention that it may not run right, if at all.

The problem goes deeper than simply the scheduling software (Resource25 or R25 for short). R25 uses Oracle for its data management, so before even installing R25, I need to install Oracle. Now, for those of you who don’t know but still care for some reason, Oracle 9 (the ipso facto standard on campus for the most part) does not run on Vista. Oracle 10 runs fine on Vista and the other applications that we’ve needed oracle for in the past all work fine with Oracle 10. Not so with R25. R25 requires Oracle 9 and will not work with Oracle 10.

A dealbreaker you say? So did I, but apparently not so. It turns out that you can actually take an install of Oracle 9 from a windows XP machine, copy it to your Vista machine, copy all the registry keys and all associated parts and pieces, and then direct things like R25 to that instead of Oracle 10 and everything is supposed to run fine. I can’t say if it does or not because I’ve not gotten that far, yet. Like I said, I’m stuck in my office for the time being. I’m not saying that I want, or even expect it to work, but I have to try it before I can call it a write-off.

In other news, music has been mysteriously disappearing from my iTunes library. Its not bad sectors on the hard drive, because the library would still think it was there, even if it can’t find the track, and its not disappearing just from iTunes because its not on the hard drive either. Its completely missing. I’m not sure how or why, but its really upsetting me. For example, I used to have (legally) almost every Nine Inch Nails album (up to a point, at least). When I checked for my Nine Inch Nails music the other day, it turned out that I now only have five songs. So I’ve spent the last couple of days trying to figure out what is actually missing and how to get it all back.

Lastly, I got my new tires yesterday. They are definitely different that what I’m used to, but I should be come accustomed to them before too long… though I may need a new seat.

Originally posted at K. Close III
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LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 07:27 Dark this morning. #
  • 08:39 I didn’t do a wonderful job of shaving today… oh well… it should be good enough no one notices. #
  • 09:12 Seriously, Was (Not Was) is not Funk! But I don’t know what it really is. #
  • 09:46 Huh, Morgan Spurlock is coming to UNT. #
  • 10:18 Even if you don’t watch My Name is Earl, part 2 of this season’s premier night had Seth Green and was capital A awesome! #
  • 10:38 Someone seriously need to make this a functional BlueTooth piece! #
  • 10:42 Who would have thought that Toys (the Robin Williams movie) and Doomsday (the nihilistic future movie) would both feature the same song? #
  • 10:59 Something is wrong with my iTunes, I only have 5 Nine Inch Nails songs. :/ #
  • 11:14 I wonder what else is missing from my iTunes library. X( #
  • 13:25 Damnit, the stairwell smells like French Fries. #
  • 13:37 So Shtaggle isn’t bad for finding the best suggestion for a music Genre. #
  • 14:13 Okay, where the HELL is all my music going? If its disappearing as a result of my sharing, I’m more than willing to shit it all down. #
  • 14:39 Man was I spoiled by a completely dynamic, database driven website… this new one is ass to manage. #
  • 16:30 Yoinks, and away! #

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LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 11:55 Heather steam cleaned the carpet SEVERAL times Friday and Saturday, and Tem peed on it first thing this morning. Anyone want three cats? #

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LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 10:33 Watching Doomsday, pretty good so far. #
  • 13:07 Our home is plagued by piss and fleas. #
  • 19:33 Somehow convinced Heather to go to the Abbey again. Swee victory for me. #

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LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 07:43 woke up really late this morning and am still dilly dallying… looks like I’ll be late to work today. oh well. #
  • 08:42 It has occurred to me that while “Score” is a useful genre, “Soundtrack” is useless. #
  • 09:12 Shtaggle, you may be my Genre saviour. #
  • 09:45 Man, remember when we all used to play WoW? It feels like forever ago. #
  • 09:48 Okay, I just classified Christopher Cross (don’t judge me) as the Yacht Rock genre. #
  • 09:49 I now have only 5 unread messages in my gmail box. #
  • 12:13 Very tempted to go home early today. I hit 40 hours at 1:00. #
  • 12:17 Possibly old TV Themes are a genre unto themselves. #
  • 12:30 man, I forgot how much I love Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Just too much music to keep up with. #
  • 12:42 What do you with an artist that defies genre (i.e.: Was Not Was). #

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LiveJournal Archives

I know my candy!

The George Costanza Candy Identification Quiz

Score: 100% (10 out of 10)

LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 08:26 Turns out that even when I’m not in the mood to ride, its still a good day to ride. #
  • 09:30 Man, I was just browsing through several of my friends’ dead blogs (they’re not dead, they just don’t post anymore). I must stay vigilant! #
  • 10:12 Must eat 2nd breakfast before I forget! #
  • 12:59 Why does one PBJ always make me want a second PBJ? #
  • 13:52 Why is it that when I NEED a disk, I can’t find the disk… but when I don’t need them, they’re all over my desk. #
  • 16:39 Its been so long since I coded my home page, I don’t even remember what all the scripts are for. #
  • 17:01 sometimes I’m so close to figuring out a bit of coding, that it hurts to be missing the one detail that’s keeping it from working. #

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LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 08:30 I’m soooo hoping that the xbox live outage on the 29th is for the full dashboard update! #
  • 11:20 Looking forward to possibly getting new tires this afternoon. I almost want to skip work and head out right now to check out the shop. #
  • 11:25 apparently today is a “no new iTunes artwork” day… it won’t allow me to add any new artwork to my itunes tracks. Its not the … #
  • 11:41 Shit, there’s a chance we overlooked a faculty member’s new computer purchase. #
  • 12:38 okay, I just burnt the shit out of the roof of my mouth. #
  • 12:51 it appears that my wordpress stats are not updating correctly. #
  • 15:41 #Blog: Wedding Portfolio #
  • 15:50 Every day that I learn more about WordPress, I get more excited about what it can do! #
  • 16:52 Huh, never expected that blog post to go live on Twitter. It was a project in testing. #

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