LiveJournal Archives

I know my candy!

The George Costanza Candy Identification Quiz

Score: 100% (10 out of 10)

LiveJournal Archives

I can’t believe I missed ONE!

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            <a href=”″><strong><font face=”Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif” size=”4″ color=”00a0c6″>Skin Disease or Dungeons and Dragons Character?</font></strong></a><br/>
            <strong><font face=”Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif” size=”3″ color=”ff8115″></font></strong><br/>
            <strong><font face=”Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif” size=”3″ color=”ff8115″>Score: 94% (15 out of 16)</font></strong>

LiveJournal Archives

I guess its a morning for internet quizzes.

69% Geek

LiveJournal Archives

Stuck in the middle…

stolen from hephaestosme


After you die…
the Beetlejuice Waiting Room

After death, you will end up in an overcrowded waiting room sitting beside Beetlejuice. You’ve been given the number 736 076 827 378 919 023, but they are currently serving number 3. Good Luck.

Take this quiz at

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This quiz was not easy…

dot dot dot com
Score: 40% (6 out of 15)