LiveJournal Archives

Today’s Tweets

  • 08:26 Turns out that even when I’m not in the mood to ride, its still a good day to ride. #
  • 09:30 Man, I was just browsing through several of my friends’ dead blogs (they’re not dead, they just don’t post anymore). I must stay vigilant! #
  • 10:12 Must eat 2nd breakfast before I forget! #
  • 12:59 Why does one PBJ always make me want a second PBJ? #
  • 13:52 Why is it that when I NEED a disk, I can’t find the disk… but when I don’t need them, they’re all over my desk. #
  • 16:39 Its been so long since I coded my home page, I don’t even remember what all the scripts are for. #
  • 17:01 sometimes I’m so close to figuring out a bit of coding, that it hurts to be missing the one detail that’s keeping it from working. #

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