- 22:16 #POTD: POTD2 #206 tinyurl.com/67jf43 #
- 22:48 #POTD: POTD2 #205 tinyurl.com/5vb7gg #
- 22:48 #POTD: POTD2 #207 tinyurl.com/5cpgxs #
- 22:48 #POTD: POTD2 #208 tinyurl.com/6m7y8a #
- 09:16 Tune for Rock Band: We Want Our Brothers Back by the Gone Jackals. #
- 09:17 Or anything by the Gone Jackals for that matter. #
- 09:18 So after a week, I finally got my bike back… Now its raining. #
- 10:35 Not a bad brunch, but I would have preferred more eggs. #
- 10:58 Maybe tonight will be a Burnout Paradase night. #
- 11:05 Not sure I’m fond of this flavored creamer. #
- 13:32 My GoogleFu has been defeated so far this morning. #
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