- 08:32 Not a bad ride in this morning… would have been nice if my GPS would have started working before half the trip. #
- 08:52 Yeah, del.icio.us makes me happy, makes rebuilding my computer that much easier! #
- 09:30 sometimes I hate to admit that I enjoy Eminem. #
- 10:32 I need a 127gb DVD-R. Even BluRay can’t handle that… yet. #
- 10:37 Anyone know if “The Darkness” on Xbox 360 was any good? #
- 10:46 So… who’s going to GenCon? I need someone to pick up a HeroScape exclusive figure for me! #
- 11:56 I need to play some more Crackdown… oh yeah. #
- 12:52 Computer is getting closer and closer to being the way I like it. #
- 12:54 Probably playing HeroScape tonight… probably will not have a new map. #
- 12:55 I hope everyone got to see Ansel’s “Sleezy guy with a lame pick-up line” photo from yesterday. #
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