- 23:04 Good HeroScape game… sometimes I feel bad when I trounce my opponents. 😉 #
- 23:16 #POTD: POTD2 #190 tinyurl.com/5hfyos #
- 23:16 #POTD: POTD2 #191 tinyurl.com/5dy5bn #
- 00:19 Still can’t seem to get to bed on time, and hopelessly addicted to Two Guys, A Girl, and A Pizza Place. #
- 07:11 Yeah, I think I’m going to ride today. Crazy, I know. #
- 08:17 Okay, so much for riding my bike… glad I changed my mind at the last minute. #
- 10:37 great this cat picture tale: blogoscoped.com/files/garfield.html #
- 11:31 Its interesting to see what is presumably a deaf film crew working in a library. #
- 14:12 Maybe rebuilding this laptop from scratch to get rid of its bloatware wasn’t the smartest idea.. now friendly non-bloatware is lost forever. #
- 14:12 Twoosh! #
- 14:13 So tempted to just pack it up and go home early. #
- 15:07 Even though I never really visited her that often, I still miss Heather, especially knowing she’ll never be back in the building again. #
- 15:20 Apparently I’m extra fabulous today, I’ve gotten two independant emails informing me of this. #
- 16:02 “they say its better the second time, they say you get to do the weird stuff.” #
- 16:21 This Windows Vista preloaded machine just “system restored” back to XP. #
- 17:14 If everyone goes home at 5:00, then there’s nothing I can do to resolve a problem across campus, no matter how many voicemails I leave. #
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