So I’ve been playing with Twitter a lot lately and I think I’m getting into it. I was a little disinterested in it at first, though its intent was not lost on me. Now I’m starting to get into it, and I’m even getting a following. I think Twittervision really ups the interest and the phenomenon quite a bit. I’ve even read about using GPS enabled phones to post to Twitter and it tracks exactly where you and keeps track of it on Twittervision with your actual latitude and longitude.
At any rate, I’ve been playing with Twitter so much, its got me concerned about my Text Messaging limit. I get 300 a month and tend to get fairly close. I’m no teenager, but I can put out quite a few texts, especially with this new Smartphone.
sidenote: how sick am I of all the fucking friend requests on myspace from spammers and porn girls. I don’t want to be your band’s friend, I don’t care about your music, if I want porn, I’m not going to myspace for it, nor am I going to pay for it, I don’t want a free iphone, and its not really going to be free anyway, I don’t want to be a part of your pyramid scheme, and for the love of god, I’m not going to click on your link to see your “real” site.
Where was I? Oh yeah, so I’ve been looking at some IM clients for the smartphone. There are some pretty good ones out there, and with my unlimited internet on this phone, I could effectively stay connected all the time. Two problems occur to me on this. 1) The IM clients cost money. Its not a monthly fee, but I still have to buy the application to start with. The really good one is pretty expensive, but right now I’m starting to really like the one that costs half as much, so that’s good. 2) Do I want to be on my instant messengers all the time? I like being connected to people. I think its a result of my growing up in a somewhat remote part of town and not being able to visit with my friends ever.
When I was a kid, I couldn’t walk to any of my friends houses, nor could I bike there. I was pretty well cut off from all my friends and only ever saw them at school. I would get home and feel isolated, disconnected, and uninvolved. My friends were almost definitely playing with eachother in their own neighborhoods, but I was left to sit at home, with only my brother to hang out with. We had a lot of fun, but at the same time, I missed my peers. So now, with the whole web 2.0 revolution, I feel like all that connectivity I missed as a child is back. With blogs, moblogs, twitter, user content, and instant communication, I know what people are thinking and doing all the time, and they can likewise see what I’m doing. It really plays on my insecurities and makes me feel warm and cozy like a giant virtual blanket, but sometimes I wonder if the blanket is going to smother me.
seriously, I don’t want to be your friend and I don’t even know what ipod candy is to even know if I want any free.
How do these asides relate to the general content of this post? That is a good question. I think, like most people, the value of friends, personal or virtual, is the ability to choose them and to not have them forced upon you. I don’t mind people lurking and reading my blog, my twitters, viewing my photos, etc. I don’t mind anonymous, or semi-anonymous comments. I like the attention, but spam, like junkmail, is just a inevitable plaguing of the system. I’ve already seen twitterspam. Fortunately its easy to ignore (except those tweets that are coming out of chicago that just pop up again, and again, and again on twittervision. Who are those guys and how to we shut them up!) and it hasn’t gotten to the point of ruining the experience yet. Myspace is an example of something that was a great idea that has become so obnoxious, I consider canceling it every time I get a spam message, but I’m still connected to some people through myspace that I’m not connected to in any other way.
I guess I’m just a interconnectivity junky and I’m willing to hop on most any bandwagon regardless of how silly or “Fadish” it is. But hey, its friday and only 30 minutes until lunch. Guess I should check on my travian and send out a tweet before I go back into the icebox and count some more computers.
4 replies on “”
re: porn girls on myspace = UGHHHHHHHH. MAKE IT STOPPPPPPPPP.
Private profile it…no spam. Ever.
Yeah, but the whole reason my MySpace page even exists is so that old friends of mine can find me.
Mine still find me usually because you can come up on a search for schools and jobs and what not.