Archive for March 15th, 2007

Double the Work, Double the Reward

Thursday, March 15th, 2007 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Okay, so I went ahead and started posting my images on Flickr as well. So now I have to do twice the work to upload my images (though I found that Flickr can post to LiveJournal, I still want all the images in my own LiveJournal Scrapbook, is that stupid?).

Yeesh, what am I getting myself into here… my POTD Project is starting to take over my life!

Thursday, March 15th, 2007 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Last night my brother and I finally got a video chat up and working the way we wanted. Its kind of funny, but its actually kind of cool to actually see the person you’re talking to in real time, if only at 5fps (I told him if he was WoW, I would be complaining about the framerate). It took a lot of trial and error on his end to get it to work, but on my end it was a piece of cake. Mac FTW!

I even got to see Christy a bit, but she was mostly getting up and leaving the room because we were apparently too loud.

We got in this morning and there was this big old Cadillac parked in our spot. Heather immediately noticed it and said there was an “old person’s car” in our spot. I got out and called the cops on it, observing that the car had obviously been there all night since it had dew on all the windows. I can’t imagine that old people were driving it if they left it there all night.

They didn’t get the boot like I had hoped, but they got a ticket.

POTD #53

Thursday, March 15th, 2007 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Love that f1.8!
This was a one-off shot that I took between photos I thought for sure would be the Photo for today. This is why we take the “bad” photos.


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