LiveJournal Archives

POTD Dilemma

It occured to me today that if I were posting my photos on Flickr, I’d get a lot more people looking at them, but then it would be a lot more work to post them so that all of you could see them, too. I know there are communities on Flickr that specialize in 365 projects, and I think it would be fun to be a part of that, but at the same time, I really like the tools that livejournal provides for posting images in my pre-existing journal.

What do you all think, would it be worth the extra time and energy to post my images both here and in a 365 page on Flickr?

And yes, I realize that my images have been almost exclusively left-weighted lately. I’m trying to break myself of photographic habits, but sometimes I don’t realize I’m doing it until after I’ve done it.

And yes, I realize that I said I was doing feet this week, but I forgot. Tough nookies.

And yes, I say yes again for the simple fact of saying yes.

2 replies on “POTD Dilemma”

The Flickr thing sounds cool, but please don’t stop posting them in your journal. I know I don’t comment often, but I look forward to seeing what today’s picture

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