LiveJournal Archives

That graying mop on my head

I think it may be time for a haircut. I was going to try to ignore it as long as possible but I feel like its just getting fluffy. Our assistant to the dean seems to think it looks great. I don’t doubt her opinion, but I just don’t like pouffy hair.

I’m already feeling stress about this semester in photo, but I am certain I will pull through, even it is by chewed up, ground down nails at the ends of my fingers scared and scraped from dragging myself along the rough concrete floor of this MFA thing I’m doing.

I realize I’m only up to #7, but I’m proud of myself to still be doing the photo of the day. I had this weird timing inspiration the other day, but I’m not sure I want to do it. It would be far more intense than the 365 project, but far more interesting results I think. Its conceptual methodical. I’ll give it some more thought before I attempt it.

corwin75 says they have some new Arc Trainers in the gym that are just waiting to kill me. I’m finishing up a cup of yogurt before I go over and attempt to commit cardio suicide. If they kill me, my only wish is that they scrape up my body before the next person comes to use the machine. It gets pretty crowded in there on week days.

Good luck out there folks, you only have one life, you can’t really screw it up, but you can waste it.

ModelsI Hear Motion

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