Archive for January 4th, 2007

Damn Straight It Is!

Thursday, January 4th, 2007 | LiveJournal Archives | No Comments

Your Inner European is Irish!

Sprited and boisterous!
You drink everyone under the table.
Who’s Your Inner European?

The Stone RosesShoot You Down

New Years “Open House”

Thursday, January 4th, 2007 | LiveJournal Archives | 7 Comments

So we had our open house on New Years. For putting very little effort into it, and not calling it a party, it was pretty partyrific. We had a good number of people show up and generally had a good time. There was food and drink a plenty, and games were played, both board and video. I will admit that Craig and I went pretty crazy with the Guitar Hero II, but every time we tried to hand the controllers off we were met with blank stares, so we strapped on, suited up, and hit another rock and roll marathon.

Like last year, we were relatively unsuccessful in finding a countdown to cheer to on TV. I think we need to find some non-televised alternative. Especially since more often than not, we’re watching either an hour delay or a “repeat performance” from the east coast. We should just get one of those big red countdown timers like they use on Monster House.

Anyway, I don’t remember everything that happened that night, and some of the photos are a bit of a mystery to me, but here they are, in chronological order, so you can witness the drunkeness building up.

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January 2007