So I just spent two hours and 50 miles driving around trying to shoot for my next critique (which is in a week and a half). I think I got about 10 shots, which will probably edit down to a possible one. That’s one photo for my next critique, total (which are supposed to be 20 prints). I just don’t know where to go anymore. I have a vague idea of what I want to photograph, but I don’t know where to get it. I think I’m going to have to change my focus a bit. I’m not changing my theme, I like my theme, but I may change my focus so that I can actually get shots, so I can make prints, so I can present for crits, so I can pass the class. I dunno, this semester its been getting harder and harder. I am hoping to get over this hump soon, but I’m not optimistic.
And on top of not being at all ready for a crit in less than two weeks, I also have a paper that was technically due last week (but since I was trying to get information from an actress in Dallas, I’ve been given a bit of flexibility). I have another, more research intensive paper due on the same day as my crit. I have three photo show reviews and a professional project due in three weeks. And finally, I have a 15 minute presentation to prepare based on the research paper.
Something happened here and I all of a sudden find myself completely overwhelmed. When that happens, instead of wanting to hammer down, I want to ignore it all and just hide myself away. Unfortunately, I can’t hide myself away from failing grades. At the very least, I don’t have my night class next thursday. That’s good, right?
I guess tomorrow I’m going to try to get at least one project done, maybe the photo show reviews.
Anyway, I have a headache, which for me is VERY rare. Maybe some aspirin and coffee will help.
2 replies on “”
Being overwhelmed is really awful. Take some time out for yourself, and recharge your batteries (metaphorically, obviously). Maybe some distance will provide clarity, you know?
You can get over this hump!
Im not sure if it will fit your theme, but there is a crumbling house between Wal-mart and Lowes. Just noticed it this morning…