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Friday is suposed to be movie night, I think, but after the last two weeks, I’m beginning to wonder.

Is anyone still interested in Movie Night?

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I am, I was just too exhausted last week. I didn’t get home from work until 7:30 then I wanted to eat, and by then I was too tired to move. And I was at the movie night of the luau!

What will the movie be for movie night, assuming you still wanna do it?

And ti reitterate (sp) my feelings for movie night… I love movie night… I put it on my calendar and look forward to it every other Friday… I am also sad on non-movie night Fridays.

Well, I’m not sure if last week was movie night or not. I decided last minute to show a movie and was the only one to show up, so I didn’t know if that counted. With the Luau and other wierd scheduling issues, I’ve lost track of where we are.

meh, it was aright… I enjoyed it but I was planning on showing you guys Memento.

Oh, and nice to see you stll read LJ if just for announcements.

well, since WoW doesn’t want to let me use my keyboard, it’s not really worth playing. :/

Yeah, I wish I could play more though. Maybe after this research project.

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