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I’ve decided I’m sick of online shopping. I used to love it because you could find anything online, especially things you couldn’t find in stores. But now I’ve just gotten tired of it. I find stuff online and it’ll be nice and affordable, and then they double the price with shipping (what the hell is up with charging $10 shipping for something I could ship for $3.75 at the post office?). Or other times I find exactly what I want, with decent shipping and place the order for them to immediately send me an email saying that its out of stock and will be a month before I get it. Even other times I buy it, I get it in due time, only to find out it’s not at all what I thought (because the pictures didn’t do them justice) or they’re broken. I’m just sick of online shopping, but now that every store has a .com I can’t even check things out at stores to see if its what I want, or if it is, to buy it without having to deal with shipping and delays.

All I want is a super thin case/skin, belt clip, and keychain loop for my iPod Shuffle. I’ve spent three days shopping online for one because I can’t find pictures that prove to me that what I’m looking at is what I want and when I do find it, to not double the price with shipping.

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CompUSA and Frys are your friends in the world of Apple bits and pieces. Of course, you can also go to the Apple Store off 75 in Dallas, but they don’t carry lots of the extras. I love my shuffle and eyeballed something that sounds like what you want the other day at CompUSA. There was a thin clearish cover that had multiple heads…. one keychain, one D clip thingy, one that clips to pockets, and I may still be missing one. I refused to spend the money because I am now drooling over the new Nanos… My free iPod Shuffle no longer seems as cool! 😉

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