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Gas and Carpooling

I’ve noticed a ton of messages on LJ communities lately all about how people want to carpool now because gas prices are rising. But what really grinds my gears is that we’ve been destroying the environment for years and years, but the only way people will even consider carpooling is if the cost of not hits them in the wallet.

I don’t necesarrily want the price of gas to keep rising, or even stay at the height that it currently is, but I hope that people learn how to carpool and maybe see a benefit beyond saving them a few measly dollars. This is the only planet we have and that hurricane is in part, a result of us clouding the skies and insulating the planet. Get used to it people, if it takes high gas prices for you to act environmental, then so be it.

6 replies on “Gas and Carpooling”

::stands up … applauds::

for realz yo!

It’s sad, but you’re right about global warming creating the churning storms.
I use the HOV lane as it is and it makes my blood boil to see all these giant SUVs with one person in them.

And, the coup de gras, I was behind a Hummer two days ago and he had the audacity to put a “Support Our Troops” sticker on his fucking car!

Yeah dude, you’re really supporting the troops by buying a tank that gets 4 miles to the gallon!

i know several people who work near me, but have to be in earlier than me, but would have to wait an hour for me afterwards. Even though im willing to get up early they aren’t willing to wait…

it makes me so made. I’ve always been an enviromentalist, and it just *grrrs* me to see waste. And now its all about money. :/

anyways, well said.

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