Categories LiveJournal Archives Post author By kacey3 Post date July 15, 2005 7 Comments on michaeltlh, when I saw this, I thought of you. In other news, I’m a Beta Tester for Sony again. Yay ME! Tags crazy links, video games ← → 7 replies on “” Joy. Yes. Yes it does. 🙂 Beta Tester for Sony, eh? That sounds pretty cool! What are you testing? this time around I’m testing JakX Combat Racing. I have previously tested Everquest Online, Frequency Online and the actual Network Adapter months before release. Dude, you suck… in the best way possible, haha. How’d you get in on this? I started out lucky (did I mention I also beta tested UO, Starcraft Broodwar, and Kingdom Under Fire) Playstation Underground. Pretty sweet, dude. yeah, I still feel honored when PSU contacts me about a new Beta to test. Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
this time around I’m testing JakX Combat Racing. I have previously tested Everquest Online, Frequency Online and the actual Network Adapter months before release.
I started out lucky (did I mention I also beta tested UO, Starcraft Broodwar, and Kingdom Under Fire) Playstation Underground.
7 replies on “”
Yes. Yes it does. 🙂
Beta Tester for Sony, eh? That sounds pretty cool! What are you testing?
this time around I’m testing JakX Combat Racing.
I have previously tested Everquest Online, Frequency Online and the actual Network Adapter months before release.
Dude, you suck… in the best way possible, haha. How’d you get in on this?
I started out lucky (did I mention I also beta tested UO, Starcraft Broodwar, and Kingdom Under Fire)
Playstation Underground.
Pretty sweet, dude.
yeah, I still feel honored when PSU contacts me about a new Beta to test.