Without going into detail, lets just say that today I feel a lot less stress and tension than I did the rest of the week. Things aren’t 100% better, but if you’ve seen me lately and thought I looked a little down and a bit flaky, well, that’s no longer the case.
In other news, there is no real other news. Ever since I’ve started playing World of Warcraft, I’ve not really had much else going on. Steve ran his game last weekend and while I enjoyed it thoroughly, it made me feel like a dunce because I couldn’t figure anything out. Some investigator I’m going to make.
I don’t know that I’ve announced this here, but I finally placed a pre-order for my camera. Pre-order you say? Why yes, I did say that. But you were going to get that Canon Rebel, the one that’s been out for a couple years. Yup, I was. But then my friend Jon let me in on this little secret, so now I’m waiting anxiously with baited breath for this new camera to release and hit the mail on its way to me. Presently there is $999.99 in my allowance account and a pre-order from Amazon aimed at said account just waiting for the 20th. I’ll just have to go out and buy a memory card when it shows up because it doesn’t come with one.
So yeah… that was the tax return we got, or a lot of it. The rest went to some new pants for Heather, paying the lifetime subscription to ReplayTV, paying off some debts, etc. That’s what tax returns are for, isn’t it?
and now I will subject myself to time in the lab… where both of my lab attendants this morning have legitimate, long term excuses for not being here. damnit.
11 replies on “”
that looks to be a cool camera.
how is it that someone is already offering it used then? LOL.
beccause they’re scammers preying on poor amazon noobs.
hmmm another WoW victim. What server are you on?
Silver Hand
I swear, everytime I find someone who plays WoW they are on yet another server. I’m playing on Azzgalore, Argent Dawn, and one or two others.
Maybe you’re just on the wrong servers… our guild is even primarilly Dentonites (like 98%).
We’re a very supportive guild and have had a lot of people come over and join us from other servers because we’re all in Denton and we’re really friendly and helpful.
I need another charachter like I need a hole in my head. What hours are you guys typically on, and which faction, in case I come on.
I’m on all hours of the day but most often after 3:00 until around 11:00.
My character, and the guild, are both Alliance.
And they’ve had people come over and join them from other games too. 😉
<-- Says one of the few lone rememnants of the group still playing City of Heroes and not picking up another Massive game.
that’s just because you’re a comic book junkie… and poor like most of us.
If not for the fortune of friends, I would not be playing WoW today. Thank you for your kindness and comraderie.
He was also the last to start CoH from our group. While weve all had our fun with it, he is still just in the throws of the addiction.
He will come to us in time.