I took the afternoon off work and totally blew the free time by lazing around the house, watching bad movies (do not watch Satan’s School for Grils) if you can avoid it. Unless someone has a gun to your head or is threatening your first born, you should really change the channel. And to think I recorded it on ReplayTV.
So, anyway. I’m staying up late as I’ve decided to get as close to my minimum for the day. I don’t want a second day of not meeting my quota on this. I feel bad enough that I missed it once. I want to use the weekend to get ahead, not catch up. I’m a little lagged right now, maybe I hit the week two wall a little later than most since I’m writing a parallel story. I dunno. I’m trying to get the music to inspire me, but it’s not helping too much right now (obviously).
Anyway, just wanted to let you folks know that I’m still workin’ it, and I’m not giving up. I’m still confident that I can finish. I just need to stay focused and dedicated.
I just wish I could go back and add stuff sometimes (I’ve vowed that I will not go back at all anymore out of fear of getting sucked into editing by accident). I have some stuff I’d love to go back and happen, but for now, I’ll just make passing references to them in the present and when I go back to edit, I can flesh them out.
Good luck NaNoers and you non-NaNoers, have a relaxing weekend.