Yeah, these photos are actually kind of old and I’ve made much more progress than is shown in them, but at the same time, they’re the most recent I have and I never posted them before so here’s a look at what I’ve been doing on my WoD case.
It started out with black primer, and then a coat of black acrylic paint.
Then I started with the sponging effect.
I made sure to do it all while the case was assembled so the patterns would match.
Close-up of the top.
Almost done.
Quick shot of the two sides for comparison.
2 replies on “Case Project Update…”
That is by far the most geeky, and totally cool thing I have seen.
It’s so very perfect. Looks just like the books.
yup, I scanned the logo from the back of the book at stupid high detail to start and then looked for the closest match to the green marble I could find.
If you actually compare, it’s a bit more green where the books are more black, but then again, the new Vampire: Requiem books are going to be red, so it doesn’t really matter anymore, does it.
I still have some sanding and polishing and about $80 worth of accessories still to buy until I can officially call it done.