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pretentiousfool made me realize I don’t know what some of you look like, some of you don’t know what I look like, and to split the difference, some of you don’t know what some others of you look like. So lets try his experiment here, shall we?

I’ll start by posting a picture of myself, and you reply with a picture of yourself.

and a bonus one of me getting ready to kill some wasps!

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A dental hygenist turned artist used to work out of dallas and she did custom fangs. bought them a few years ago (I say few, it was more like 7 or 8). They were $150 and she said it was the first time she’d done ones that doubled that way.

Funny, that how I managed to get mine. Dental hygenist turned artist who worked out of Seattle, and traveled to the local fandom conventions. Cost me $35, and got mine about 10 years ago. He did doubles, but none that looked like that. Also did lowers, but I saw no use for them at the time.

hers were completely custom, I described what I wanted and she made them exactly. I wanted something no one else had.

she told us how this guy game in once and said he wanted once 1.5 inches long. She said they wouldn’t fit, but he insisted. she was amazed to find that once they were done, he almost had a natural space for them and they fit perfectly.

I contemplated getting lowers, but by the time I had money to do so, she was gone.

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