LiveJournal Archives

Windows XP Problems and Solutions

This isn’t so much of a journal entry as a list of resources I’m going to reference when I rebuild my xp box next week. Do not, I repeat, do NOT berate me for my operating system choice, the only reason I’m even posting this as public is because I thought someone else may be interested in some of these links if they’re having similar issues.

Maybe it’s time to stop working on this and go on to making the Fraklid map for Starcraft.

*Hmmm, maybe it’s only worth it to move Desktop and My Documents to the D: drive, rather than the entire Documents and Settings folder. It’s looking like a giant pain in the ass to move everything and really, so long as the actual data is safely off the C: drive, I should be fine.

2 replies on “Windows XP Problems and Solutions”

I’ve had my primary hard drive crash and burn more often than my secondary, also, when I do a full format and rebuild, it’s easier to just point all the user info back to D: rather than copying it back and forth.

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