LiveJournal Archives

blah, this week will NOT end. It’s Wednesday and I now remember the soreness I get in my elbows from resting them on my deks in boredem for days on end. Don’t get me wrong, for the most part I actually enjoy my job, its just that some weeks are really slow and there’s alomost nothing that is urgent enough to be up and about for. So I end up sitting at my desk staring at LiveJournal, TextAmerica, or eBay and as a result feel much less productive for society than I realy am.

It’s nice and cloudy out today and I like that kind of weather. I had heard it was supposed to be hot today too, which would mean muggy and humid. Fortunately it seems to be holding in the mid 60’s so that’s nice. I wish I was outside, or at least free to go outside at my whim and will. I mean, yeah, I’m not chained in here, I could go and just sit out side, but there’s no real point. I’d be doing less than I am now for work, and would actually look less productive at the same time. So really, not that big of a deal. I’ve got the curtains open so I guess, really, I’m better off than some.

Last night I had intended to play with some computer stuff, make some animated .gifs, things like that. Instead I watched crap on TV, made myself some Chicken Fried Rice and mostly did abso-fucking-litely nothing. I dealt with some past aggression issues and feel much better about that whole incident (okay, mostly back to not letting any of it bother me). I thought about painting minis, especially after looking at the new Confrontation sketches at Talon yesterday. Maybe I’ll consider it tonight. I think I’m going to paint a ghoul or two next, just so I can paint something that isn’t flesh colored. Of course Dawn of the Dead might have something to do with it as well. But then again, I’ve been thinking of painting one for a couple weeks, before I actually saw Dawn of the Dead.

Oh well, it’s almost lunch time. Expect more babbling after lunch, unless I finally decide to take this “cleaning my office space” a step further.

3 replies on “”

Me too…

Bored bored bored. Staring at LJ.

By the way… I hopped over to the Talon Comics website… how close are they to Reaper Miniatures? I’m still coming out that way in May, and that answers whether or not there’s any good gaming stores in the area… I love to dive in the discount / used bins… hopefully they have some. 🙂

Do you still play RPGA games?

Re: Me too…

He’s only about 15-20 minutes from Reaper, but he’s not big on discount/used games. Most of what he carries is new releases and special orders.

I still play RPGA, I just haven’t had many chances lately.

Re: Me too…

I’ll still check it out. Especially since it seems they has more than just Reaper. My FLGS is much the suck. While it carries a fine varie-tay of Reaper minis… that’s it… and the counter drones are surly and disrespectful. Especially if you buy comic books they don’t like. “Yeah. I read Wonder Woman. What’s it to you?!?”

Pretty much all I play is RPGA anymore. If there’s any chance of picking up some Bandit Kingdom mods, I’d be all over it… like… um… well like a lot of things are on other things.

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